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  • These Community Painters are in Thrall to the New Abhorrant Ghoul King

These Community Painters are in Thrall to the New Abhorrant Ghoul King

This year’s Boxing Day Miniature is the Abhorrant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion, a fine festive fellow who sits on a throne made of stone and lies – who will be available to buy at Warhammer stores from the 26th of December. His crown pulses his tortured delusions out to his degenerate subjects, duping them into the belief that they are a chivalric court of knights.

These waves of pure fantasy are so powerful that they even reached the community – who have sent us some gruesomely regal paint jobs to view.

Alison Kersley 

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 AlisonKersley

Alison gave her Ghoul King a scrap of burgundy to break up the pale skin on his body, reinforcing the gloomy atmosphere with some mossy tones on the throne and base.

Anthony Magro

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 AnthonyMagro

The Flesh Eater Courts recruit the undead from all over the Mortal Realms – Anthony’s Ghoul King has a livid skin tone reminiscent of Hysh, with eerie glowing eyes.

Chris Lewis

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 ChrisLewis

Chris has gone for a more traditional putrescent green, contrasting with the red fabric to give a nice festive vibe.* We particularly like the contrast between the rusted blade and clean throne, which makes him look like he’s recently established a new court.

Ryan Allen

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 RyanAllen

The subtle lilac shading on Ryan’s Ghoul King’s pallid skin makes it look like this deluded despot is a mass of contusions. The blood, rust and oxidation effects also really sell the patina of decay.

Spencer Stone

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 SpencerStone

The contrast of the throne, bone, and metal against the mottled skin provides lots of interesting focal points. The subtle red tones worked into the body's shadows is a clever touch that adds extra depth.

Jon Gómez

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 JonGómez

Jon’s Abhorrant Ghoul King is a rancid bouquet of blues and purples, with some subtle warm tones mixed in to show there’s still blood in this rotten ruler. 

Matt Crowther

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 MattCrowther

Another ill-looking regent appears, courtesy of Matt. A traditional warm and rotting green for the skin sharply contrasts with the clean, cold metallics and stone. 

Vincent Knotley

UGCGhoulKings Dec23 VincentKnotley

Vincent dives into lustrous greens and purples for an alternative royal palette for the Ghoul King, with heavy shading that makes it look like he’s looming out of the shadows. Chilling!

You’ll be able to buy your very own Abhorrant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion at your local Warhammer store between the 26th of December and the 8th of January. You may also order it online at the Games Workshop webstore from 7th of January to the 15th of January.

* We hope your own festive vibes aren’t quite so putrid.

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