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  • Free Ironjawz Rules Download And How You Can Flatten Your Enemies With a Whole Army of Maw-Gruntas

Free Ironjawz Rules Download And How You Can Flatten Your Enemies With a Whole Army of Maw-Gruntas

The Ironjawz wage war in a simple but effective manner - and now you can too with a free Battletome Supplement download. 

A Waaagh! will typically find the most direct line between itself and an opponent, and proceed to close the gap with unrelenting purpose and deafening enthusiasm. Woe betide anyone daft enough to stand in the way.

These orruks are drawn to the monstrous hogs which reave across the realms, breeds that display the same thick-skulled toughness and belligerent attitude as their greenskin pals. The biggest of these are known as Maw-gruntas – hunks of muscle and matted fur that plough through enemy formations with lethal momentum.

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When one of these hefty porkers starts rampaging, it is nearly impossible to stop. The carnage they create impresses the Ironjawz no end – capturing a Maw-grunta to tame as a mount is a dangerous but rewarding task, one that reinforces an orruk’s reputation and provides them with a foul-tempered living weapon.

In battle, the Ironjawz make great use of the Unstoppable Momentum built up by these pigs. Unlike units with degrading profiles, Maw-gruntas are a slave to their own speed. At the start of every battle they have a momentum score of 1, which increases by D3 each time they run or charge – to a maximum of 6. You’ll have to keep moving, though, as it lowers by 1 at the end of every turn. 

AoS MawGruntas Sept12 Unstoppable

A Maw-grunta’s Move distance and melee characteristics both increase with its current momentum score, so Ironjawz have to know their ABCs: always be chargin’. When their momentum score is 4 or more, they become a Headlong Charger who can run and charge, making it easier to keep your momentum high as your big pig crashes through unit after unit.

AoS MawGruntas Sept12 HeadlongThe Maw-grunta kit isn’t a one trick hog – the box builds one of three variations, providing a pig for all seasons. The tyrannical Tuskboss steers with fearsome strength, the Hakkin’ Krew carves through hordes of lighter infantry, and the Maw-grunta Gouger is a leaner, single-rider behemoth that can herd up in units and even becomes battleline if you have a Tuskboss general.

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Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute also provides rules for the Grunta Stampede – an entire army of renown that revolves around hogs of war both big and small, with a buffet of unique enhancements and allegiance abilities. Riotous chants of ‘Ere We Come! rile up your orruks to create an unstoppable surge of momentum, giving you an early start as your MAW-GRUNTA units avoid losing momentum in the first turns.

AoS MawGruntas Sept12 Erewecome

These humongous hogs are rampaging to pre-order this weekend, alongside the rest of the new Ironjawz, providing a combination of armour, muscle, and jagged hackas. 

AoS MawGruntas Sept12 Button

You can download the Battletome Supplement: Ironjawz above. This contains lore, a gallery of miniatures, warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles for all the new Ironjawz units coming to pre-order this weekend.

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