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  • NOVA Open Previews – Suck at Blood and Not Blood Bowl With the Drakfang Thirsters

NOVA Open Previews – Suck at Blood and Not Blood Bowl With the Drakfang Thirsters

Vampires have been playing Blood Bowl for almost as long as the cult of Nuffle has been around, and their physical superiority makes them a terrifying prospect on the gridiron. Lately these blood-sucking nobles have spent more time managing other Undead teams than hitting the field themselves, but that’s about to change – a brand new plastic Vampire Blood Bowl team is coming to a stadium near you, now with added positionals and an updated Bloodlust trait.

It should come as no shock that a sport with ‘blood’ in the name would attract players of the vampiric persuasion, and this team is loaded with them. A far cry from the grim and dour warriors of other Warhammer worlds, these vampires know only the finer things in life – billowing capes, frilly shirts, and delicate silk cravats.

The full-blooded Vampire players are a force to be reckoned with, able to sprint like an Elf, blitz like an Orc, and throw like another, different Elf. The

Hypnotic Gaze

skill is perfect for setting up explosive plays, and is shared by all of their Blitzers, Runners, and Throwers.

Despite their physical dominance and immortal experience, Vampires are still afflicted by their hunger for blood, and the casual violence of an average Blood Bowl game can whip their thirst to a fever pitch. Luckily, the team box includes eight Thrall Linemen, who run double-duty as handy portable snacks when their betters feel the urge – as evidenced by the bite marks.

Each miniature has a wealth of customisation options to make sure your players stand out, and the set also comes with four Vampire-themed balls – including a small gargoyle wrapped up in belts – as well as two coffin-esque turn markers and two double-sided coins. 

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