The Horus Heresy bathed the galaxy in flames, billions fighting and dying on either side with unshakeable conviction.
Legion Standards were a common sight on battlefields, rallying flags from military traditions of old remaining just as relevant in the 31st Millennium, a symbol of the cause they fought for as shells and beams crisscrossed the skies. The honour of carrying these aloft most often fell to the Herald Consuls.

Each Legion Standard represents the very soul of the Legion, and those who carry them are always figures who have served the Primarch well in some manner.
These standards are prime targets for enemy attacks, as to capture or destroy one would shatter morale. This might be why the Loyalist Herald Consul bears the signs of battle with his bionic leg. He also carries a power fist in order to fend off those who might attempt to steal his Legion’s honour.

Everyone loves a Space Marine carrying a standard, and some of the team behind the Horus Heresy got to put early dibs on their own Loyalist Heralds – and what’s more loyal that two Ultramarines and a Dark Angel?

The Loyalist Herald Consul is made from Forge World resin and will be available later in the year. We’ll have another Consul next week – but his flag isn’t nearly so shiny…