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Play Warhammer Across the Most Dangerous Death World of All – The Christmas Dinner Table

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Christmas is just around the corner, and this year it’s all about playing Warhammer with your loved ones. But the big day does pose one massive obstacle for Warhammer – what do you do when the largest table in the house is covered in festive detritus? We’ve got some ideas on how you can use yuletide paraphernalia as part of your games.

Space Marines vs Sprouts

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Brussels sprouts can be an acquired taste, and we’re pretty sure that after years of eating nutrient-rich gruel, Space Marines probably wouldn’t be fans. So why not take some leftover sprouts and use them as objectives in a game in which these noble defenders of the Imperium are trying to destroy their most hated foe yet?

Hunt Archeotech with the Adeptus Mechanicus

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Who knows what’s in a Christmas cracker? It could be anything. The Adeptus Mechanicus are perfect for exploring such a hidden trove of arcane treasure. Rather than simply pulling the cracker, why not play a game of Warhammer 40,000 to see who wins the prize inside? Don’t forget to tell the joke in binharic and refer to whoever wears the crown as “Omnissiah” for the rest of the day.

Overthrow the Pudding

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The Genestealer Cults will tell you that Christmas is the perfect time to start your rebellion – everyone is busy eating so much that they won’t notice your insurrection until it’s already too late! Why not start your own revolution by overthrowing the Christmas pudding? Whoever finishes their dessert first automatically gets the first turn in any post-dinner Warhammer that you play.

Napping Necrons

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Who doesn’t love a nap after a big Christmas dinner? The sleepiest faction in the 41st Millennium love a bit of shuteye themselves, so why not introduce some Necrons into your festivities? Put some Necrons around your table – hide them between bits of discarded wrapping paper or near the turkey, perhaps. Then wait to see if your family discover them – whoever’s Necron is the last to be disturbed wins.*

Whatever you get up to this Christmas season, we hope that you have the opportunity to Warhammer it up a little. Don’t forget to pick up Da Red Gobbo so that you can celebrate in style.

* If you’re a real expert, why not try it with one of the Mcfarlane Toys action figures?