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Twelve Months in Middle-earth™ – Looking Back on a Packed Year for Incredible New Models

ME Header2022 Combined2022 has been a cracking year for Middle-earth. Everything from Emperors to Elves have hit the tabletop, we’ve explored a new supplement set in the northern lands of Middle-earth, and released a new boxed game depicting the desperate struggle for Osgiliath. 

As this year draws to a close, we asked the Middle-earth team about their highlights from the past 12 months.

Rob Alderman (Brand Manager): My favourite release this year has to be Gothmog from the Battle of Osgiliath boxed set. The sculpt perfectly captures the cunning Orc general from the films. I particularly love his Warg – it’s the most menacing and vicious-looking one we’ve ever done!

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Luke Blick (Miniatures Designer): I absolutely love the new Faramir, Madril, and Damrod miniatures. They all have optional base elements to allow hobbyists to model them in one of two locations – Osgiliath itself or the wooded region of Ithilien.

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Keith Robertson (Miniatures Designer): For me, it has to be the new plastic Elrond, Master of Rivendell. He is absolutely fantastic and is a perfect representation of the Lord of Rivendell during the War of the Last Alliance. The on-foot version captures Elrond's stoic determination, while his sword mastery and deadliness is displayed by his pose atop the horse.

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The kit also comes with a plastic banner bearer for your Rivendell army. The sculpted detailing on the banner accurately shows the heraldry of Gil-galad, the High King of the Elves. 

Gavin Newton (Miniatures Designer): I’m a huge fan of the new Glorfindel Lord of the West! The detail is so crisp and the poses perfectly represent the Lord of the West as the truly fearsome warrior we know him to be. The foot model shows him in a defensive stance ready to parry and strike, while his mounted version depicts him slashing down from atop Asfaloth.

ME 2022Roundup Dec22 Image4Speaking of Asfaloth, the model has a detailed set of tack with a number of little bells on – a subtle yet welcome nod to how Asfaloth appears in the book when Glorfindel first arrives.

Lewis Collins (Miniatures Designer): It’s a tough choice as there have been so many wonderful models this year, but if I had to choose just one set then it would be the Beornings. I love the aesthetic of these woodsmen, from the double-handed axes they would use to chop down Orcs, to their imposing great bows. I also like how they all feel individual, dressed in natural fibres and clothing rather than the usual array of armour many factions have. 

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I’m planning to make an army of Beornings, complete with both Beorn and Grimbeorn over the next year, so watch this space!Jay Clare (Lead Game Developer): This year saw the release of a new supplement, Defence of the North. The supplement is full to the brim with Narrative Scenarios, plus plenty of profiles and Legendary Legions for all you Matched Play lovers out there. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed playing with, and against, all the new profiles and Legendary Legions at gaming events, particularly the Beornings and the Host of the Dragon Emperor lists. I cannot wait to see how players continue to use these rules in their games next year!

As for models, it has to be the epic Dragon Emperor of Rhûn. His grandeur is wonderful, and it makes a great centrepiece for any Easterling army.

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Rob: That’s almost it from us for 2022. All that’s left to do is to wish you all a Merry Christmas from the Middle-earth team!

Thanks guys! Phew, what a year it’s been for Middle-earth! What have been your favourite releases? Let us know over on the Warhammer Facebook and Warhammer Community Twitter page.

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