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  • Prismatic Power – the Community Paints Ironjawz

Prismatic Power – the Community Paints Ironjawz

The Era of the Beast is nothing but a good time for any creature who likes a tumble. Cresting this wave of primal aggression are the Ironjawz, those pugnacious orruks who love two things: glorious battle and garish plate armour.

Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute tells the tale of the Twin-Tailed Crusade as it is battered by the forces of Destruction. It’s available to pre-order tomorrow alongside a riot of new Ironjawz, so Warhammer Community let them run amok in the painting community. 

IronjawzUGC Sept15 VinceVenturella

Leading the charge is Vince Venturella upon a baby-blue Maw-grunta with sizzling flame motifs. Expertly considered shading, highlights, and detailed weathering bring this massive pig to life.

IronjawzUGC Sept15 RobHebblethwaite 1

Rob Hebblethwaite from Fauxhammer has battered out a whole Waaagh! of pig-iron-armoured Ironjawz with lovely ochre skin that makes them really stand out from the herd.

Feast your eyes upon this absolute banquet of textures from JP Ganis at Metabreakers. The reflective metal armour of the Maw-grunta is juxtaposed with the more naturalistic tones of the skin and detritus on Trugg and conveys the wealth of approaches you can take to Destruction armies.

IronjawzUGC Sept15 DaveSprues Brews

Dave from Sprues and Brews proves with his Ardboy Big Boss that sometimes simple is better. Red armour? Classic. Dirty iron weapons? Ironjawz are too busy smashin’ and bashin’ to clean those up. Great job.

IronjawzUGC Sept15 VincentKnotley

Once again Vincent Knotley just can’t make up his mind what colour he wants to paint, so he’s picked five different schemes. Naturally, each one is a technicolour explosion, so their enemies don’t miss them as they’re hollerin’ about the Waaagh!

Thanks to everyone who took part. You can bolster your own collection tomorrow when it becomes available to pre-order.

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