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Swindle and Smash With the New Hobgrot Honcho, Orruk Terrain, and Manifestations

There’s a faintly luminous green glow on the horizon, and the hooting and hollering are getting louder. This can only mean one thing: Battlome: Orruk Warclans is available for pre-order this weekend. 

This is a tome of two halves, containing the background and rules for the brutal Ironjawz and the kunnin’ Kruleboyz. Both are mean, green, and keen to get stuck into a fight – but the two groups don’t quite eye to eye: the Ironjawz prefer to bash stuff up all simple like, while the Kruleboyz prefer dirty tricks and poisoned blades. 

Where the Ironjawz charge around on the backs of gigantic, malodorous pigs, the Kruleboyz instead employ pint-sized but pernicious mercenaries. The Kompany Taktikz used by the new Hobgrot Slittaboss allows a unit of Hobgrots to fight immediately after their cruel taskmaster, adding 1 to Wound rolls for the rest of the turn.

Infamous Kruleboyz like Swampboss Skumdrekk have learned how to work these avaricious, opportunist, but ultimately scrawny scamps for all they’re worth. The legendary beast-master can choose one unit of Hobgrot Slittaz during deployment and give them Crit (Mortal) on melee attacks, while also adding an extra 1 to wound rolls against the unit he bets will be the first to fall – a hefty investment for such a fragile unit, but the Hobgrat Slittaboss lets you tweak the odds in your favour. 

Both flavours of orruk also now have Faction Terrain and Endless Spells. As the premier agents of Destruction in the Mortal Realms, the Orruk Warclans are more used to flattening structures rather than building them, but the irresistible lure of clambering up a tower and yelling at (literal) underlings has seen both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz rush to set up Bossrokk Towers and Skaregob Totems.

As if possessed by the Aggressively Bossy spirit of Gork himself, their words land with a sledgehammer impact and can either reduce control scores, casting and chanting rolls, or charge rolls. The mind-warping mists that coil around a Skaregob Totem alter the perceptions of those under its Sinister Stare, helping Dirty Tricks go off without a hitch. If a hero climbs into either, the efficacy of both also increases, while a 4+ save and 12 wounds helps them weather ranged assaults. 

The iconic Foot of Gork returns from the mists of time* as a pair of size 200 feet ready to stomp across the battlefield. The Wandering Destruction of these disembodied clompers deals damage and affects charge rolls, but most importantly each foot must remain within 9” of the other – the Orruks’ imagination can only conceive of Gork’s gait being so long. 

On the other end of the spectrum, the Morkspit Marsh is pure Morkish cunning, an eldritch quagmire whose Grasping Gunge prevents nearby enemies from running – perfect for holding them at bay while Man-Skewer Boltboyz line up their shots.

There’s the Gork-Roara too, whose bellows supercharge your wizards and priests with the overwhelming power of the Waaaagh! – with only a slight risk of popping their heads in the process. Rules for everything can be found in Battletome: Orruk Warclans which is available to pre-order on Saturday. If you can’t choose between the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz you’ll be able to run both together with the Big Waaagh! Army of Renown, which we’ll be covering later in the week.

* Those of you old enough to remember the original cardboard template for the spell – we see you.