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Miniature of the Year 2022 – Voting is Now Open


Another year of Warhammer is drawing to a close, and our cup has runneth over with wonderful miniatures once again. 

Over the last 12 months, we’ve had a host of stunning new heroes for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, such as the Akhelian Thrallmaster and The Lady of Vines. In Warhammer 40,000, new Guardians, a sinister Phoenix Lord, and more have stepped out of the Webway, while the Leagues of Votann made themselves known after decades in isolation.

MiniOfYear2022 Dec2 Calendar

Necromunda took to the ash wastes with a flotilla of vehicles, Kill Team went Into the Dark, Warcry ventured into the Heart of Ghur, and the Horus Heresy dropped literal Legions of miniatures on us.

Will Darkstrider scan the competition and find a path to victory? Will the Norsca Rampagers or the Kara Temple Harpies swap the pitch for the podium? Will Chaos reign supreme once again with the lumbering Knight Abominant, or will Cado Ezechiar moodily pose his way to revenge… and glory? And will Pokin’ Snark of the Looncourt finally be recognised for his noble bearing, fine armour, and innovative squig-onna-stick armaments?

Here are a few of the previous winners, to give you a benchmark.

Cast your vote now and help decide what’s crowned Miniature of the Year 2022. You’ve got two weeks – voting closes on Friday 16th of December.

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