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Old World Almanack – Warriors of Chaos Assemble for the Dark Gods

For too long has the civilised world been allowed to sleep soundly, unaware of the dark forces that stalk the far north. But as the Kingdom of Bretonnia looks to the south, and the Empire of Man continues its internal squabbles, this time of safety is over. The Warriors of Chaos have returned to the Old World!

The northern barbarians are amassing in numbers not seen for centuries, with a Battalion box, an Arcane Journal and the usual accessories, 25 separate kits returning in plastic, metal, and resin, two weapon upgrade sets, and a Made to Order release. These releases will be split into two waves, and while there is a new special character featured in Arcane Journal – more on her in due course – there are no new miniatures scheduled in this release.

Warriors of Chaos Battalion

Lay waste to the realm of man with this heavy, black-armoured battalion box containing 44 miniatures and a new transfer sheet comprising 621 decals. That’s 32 unrelenting Chaos Warriors, 10 fearsome Chaos Knights, and two deadly Chaos Chariots, which can also be built as Gorebeast Chariots.

Arcane Journal: Warriors of Chaos 

Available both as a 48-page softback book and as a digital ePub, the Arcane Journal is bursting with horrifying options and extras. There’s lore, a scenario, two special characters including Galrauch the Great Drake, seven new unit profiles, two Armies of Infamy – the marauding Wolves of the Sea and the mounted Heralds of Darkness – and new Magic Items. You simply couldn’t tremble the realms of man without it.

Warriors of Chaos Accessories

Venerate the Dark Gods properly with this pack of 36 cards containing Magic Items, Gifts of Chaos, and spells from the Lore of Chaos. Then venerate them even harder with this set of 20 dice in the iconic blackened iron and burnished gold colour scheme.

Returning Plastics

Now for the good stuff. Six kits are returning in plastic in the first wave of releases: The Chaos Lord on Manticore, the Champion of Chaos, the Chaos Sorcerer, the Chaos Chimera, the Dragon Ogres, and the Chaos Warriors. This is easily enough to form a solid core of an army and shatter the walls of any city you choose. 

Returning Metals

But that’s not all! Eight more mighty champions of Chaos are returning in their original metal forms: the Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount, the Chaos Sorcerer on Chaos Steed, a Champion of Chaos, the Chaos Ogres and Chaos Ogres Command, the Chaos Trolls, and the Chosen and Chosen Command.

There are also two weapon upgrade sets for the plastic Chaos Warriors, allowing them to wield Halberds and Great Weapons.

Returning and Remastered Resins

And still the flood of twisted nasties continues, this time in resin. Several of these kits have made the journey from metal to resin, while the others were formerly only available in the Warhammer Forge range from Forge World. These models have been lovingly remastered, with sharper details than ever. They are the Hellcannon, the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, the Skin Wolves, the Warpfire Dragon, and the Gigantic Spawn of Chaos.

Metal Made to Order

There are four units returning in metal on a Made to Order basis. These are the Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Chaos Steed, the Daemon Prince with Sword, the Daemon Prince with Axe, and the classic Chaos Spawn.

Wave 2

Were this horde of horrors not sufficient to sunder the world of man for good, reinforcements muster further out in the Chaos Wastes, arriving in a second wave a little later. These include the Chaos Marauders, the Marauder Horsemen, the Chaos Knights, the Chaos Chariots, and the Chaos Warhounds.

Ooo-wee. That’s a lot of Chaos. Take it from us; if you type the word ‘Chaos’ often enough it really does lose all meaning. Anyway, the Warriors of Chaos will be available to pre-order… soon…