Part of the action in Necromunda is currently focused on the blighted ruins of Hive Secundus, where noble Spyre Hunters make sport of the Malstrain Genestealers as other gangs scrabble through the wreckage for archaeotech relics.
It’s not such a simple task to get there, however, as raiding parties must travel across the sprawling ash wastes – the dead lands that unfold between the towering hive cities. The increase in activity has brought the Ash Waste Nomads out of hiding, determined to stake their claim to the storm-blasted dust dunes they call home.
Ambushing unwary travellers with scavenged weapons fashioned from the gigantic mutant insects they raise as mounts, Sha’dar hunters are bad news for those who trespass on Ash Waste Nomad territory.
Their almost supernatural ability to move unseen through the wastes makes them ideal scouts, ensuring that every Nomad War Party has the advantage. While they only wield close combat weapons, these are no less deadly than the gear manufactured in the underhive as they are coated with deadly venoms from wasteland beasties.
They are joined by Arthromite Spinewyrms, creatures they have tamed for their ferocity in combat. Burrowing through dunes, solid rock and armour alike, when their jaws are locked, they won’t be separated without their pound of flesh. Coupled with the anticoagulant properties of their saliva, a single bite is a death sentence.

Nomad War Parties are gearing up with a new plastic weapons and upgrades kit. This features alternative heads and accessories alongside some extra firepower – a heavy blaster, scavenged stub guns and autoguns, venom casters, blast carbines, and more.

You’ll get rules for all of the above in Necromunda: Tribes of the Wastelands. This is another House of… style release, greatly expanding the options available for Ash Wastes Nomads, comprising extracts from the three of the most famous pieces of written work on the Ash Waste Nomads, updated gang rules, new hired guns and Dramatis Personae, themed scenarios, a trading post, and some more mystical additions besides.

Those who eke out a precipitous living in the wastes will be happy to know that there will soon be safer observation posts and living quarters available with the Thatos Pattern Fortified Hub Module. This new release takes the existing hub module kit and slaps on a load of reinforcements, making it the perfect place to hunker down during a skin-shredding dust storm.

Anyone who makes it through the wastes to the subterranean carcass of Hive Secundus is of course rewarded with a deadly maze of twisted metal to explore. You can create your own tenebrous labyrinth with the help of the Ruined Underhive Sector box, which collects three existing Ruined Zone Mortalis boxes into one, providing you with a staggering 72 terrain pieces to furnish your gaming board.

There are plenty more reveals from the Las Vegas Open, so head back to the hub for more.