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  • Heresy Thursday – Shatter the Earth with Powerful Artillery in Legions Imperialis

Heresy Thursday – Shatter the Earth with Powerful Artillery in Legions Imperialis

Even as a towering, power-armoured super-soldier of the Legiones Astartes, you’ll be forgiven for staying as far away from the biggest tanks and walkers of the Horus Heresy. It’s much safer to view looming detachments of Dreadnoughts from five miles away, and even a lance of Imperial Knights will think twice before wading through the curtain of fire laid down by squadrons of Basilisks and Medusas.

With armies numbering in the hundreds in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis, it’s more important than ever to maintain a powerful reserve of artillery, and these new miniatures will make sure your big guns stay safe and mobile.

HH LI BasilisksMedusa Aug24 Image1

The Medusa packs a high calibre, relatively short gun designed for crushing vehicles and fortifications under shells the size of a dustbin.* This often necessitates getting a little closer than you might like, but unlike their counterparts from the 41st Millennium, they’re amply protected in a Leman Russ-class chassis instead of the Chimera-based vehicle of the further future.

In contrast, the Basilisk still uses the classic Earthshaker cannon you know and love, hurling high explosives over ludicrous distances to smash apart infantry, walkers, and vehicles alike. It’s the final word in long-range fire support, with enough firepower to force your enemy out of position as they divert valuable troops to suppressing your artillery.

HH LI BasilisksMedusa Aug24 Image2

Each box provides eight vehicles that can be assembled as the support platform of your choice, so you can fill your need for fire support at whatever range suits you best. 

We’ll have more information on these and other future releases soon, so stay tuned to Warhammer Community for the latest Legions Imperialis news and join us next week for another Heresy Thursday reveal.

* They do a number on Space Marine armour, too.

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