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The Eightbound Are an Unholy Apex Amalgam of Daemon and World Eater

Nothing in the tide of red and brass that makes up a World Eaters army is quite so fearsome as a member of the Eightbound. Each one of these daemonkin is a truly warped warrior, reforged in blood and cruelty, perfect followers for the Red Angel.

To swell the ranks of the Eightbound, particularly savage Berzerkers are chained into an iron sarcophagus known as an Eightcage. Probes and needles interface with the subject’s cybernetic Butcher’s Nails, thrusting their mind into the depths of the warp and a battle for their very soul.

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Some fight in nightmarish gore-soaked arenas or atop impossible mountains of skulls, while others must withstand torture by sadistic daemons. Those who lose this trial meet gruesome fates – some vanish entirely or are mutated into hideous Chaos Spawn, while others are reduced to a bloody mess of limbs and viscera for the Berzerker-surgeons to clean up.*

The victorious few are set free, irrevocably transfigured by their traumatic experience – and host to an octet of daemons that still rage within their body, embroiled in combat over the World Eater’s soul. A handful of Eightbound may live long enough to ascend further. Conquering the battle within allows the Exalted Eightbound to focus their combined rage entirely outwards, against their whimpering foes…

These savage symbionts sport a suitably scary statline – and butcher their opponents with an assortment of chainblades that whirr with hungry teeth. The Eightbound favour paired eviscerators, while their Champions heft dual lacerators or two-handed heavy chainglaives.

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The Exalted Eightbound are yet more ferocious. Their concentrated rage boosts their Weapon Skill to a terrifying 2+, and their mutant forms sport a horrific Eightbound chainfist, a grotesque fusion of transhuman flesh and roaring blade that can rupture even the heaviest armour. 

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You can juice both flavours of fiend even further with the Red Butchers Stratagem, which grants extra Damage on each and every attack. It’s a cyclone of ceramite and chain-teeth that’ll shred the most durable foes.**

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You can pre-order the Eightbound this Saturday, when the full World Eaters range drops. Each box contains three miniatures which can be built as regular Eightbound or their supremely savage superiors, the Exalted Eightbound. 

* Eightcage clean-up duty is perhaps the only torture worse than being interred in an Eightcage.

** You can use this on World Eaters Terminators too, as seen in Battle Report.

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