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Magic And Mayhem – The Dragon Princes’ Rules Make Them a Ruinous Tag Team in Battle

AoS StormcastRules Jul29 Stormcast FactionHeader

As soon as we saw Krondys and Karazai, the Draconith Heroes soon returning to the Mortal Realms, we started thinking about which of these immense dragons we’d take into battle. One is regal, blue, with the assured grin of a behemoth preparing to take back the Mortal Realms for his kin. The other is scarred, red, and really, really angry.

Then we saw their rules and realised right away that we need both. Not least because it would look like this on the tabletop.

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Each prince fights according to their personality. Karazai is a jaws-and-claws kind of dragon, while Krondys is more measured, preferring to control the battlefield and shut down Wizards. Individually they’re going to be incredibly powerful, but together they’re going to make a terrible mess, from range, in close quarters, and with magic.

But first, let’s talk about their fire breath. Both dragons use blazing tempest, an 18” torrent of “scouring flame” that’s precisely as fun to get caught in as it sounds. The target unit suffers between one and six mortal wounds.

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Krondys is a powerful Wizard, casting two spells per turn from the Lore of the Storm. What’s more, he has a unique spell all to himself – Atavistic Tempest – which gives him a range of powerful debuffs to enemy units, reducing their Hit Rolls, Attacks, Rend, or Save Rolls.

AoS DragonsRules Aug10 Image2He also wears the Regalia Fulmentarus, a present from his pal Sigmar which can add up to 3 to his casting rolls. And as you’d expect from a gigantic elder Draconith, he’s pretty tasty in a scuffle to boot.

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Karazai meanwhile has no truck with magic – he prefers to zoom around the battlefield biffing his foes with his annihilating jaws, ruinous talons, and calamitous tail. Put it like this: he’s not going to be tickling you to death.

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He can also use his Fires of Vengeance ability to grow in destructive power as the game continues. For every Hero or Monster he kills, his melee weapons get one additional attack each for the rest of the game. If he destroys units with 3 or more Wounds per model, he can add one to his charge rolls for the rest of the battle.

He’s clearly angry about something.

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Given his combat prowess, these bonuses are going to stack. His calamitous tail attack rolls as many dice to hit as there are enemy models within 3” – perfect for landing in the middle of three damaged units and giving them the beans.*

Both Draconith have a calamitous tail attack. What we’re saying is, try not to come within tail range.

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The new Battletome: Stormcast Eternals is almost with us, and it’s a beast. It contains 76 warscrolls for Stormcast Eternals of every flavour, as well as all the battalions, battleplans, artefacts of power, traits, and spell lores. And dragons. Lots and lots of dragons.

Keep checking back on Warhammer Community for more information on when you can pre-order the book, these dragons, and perhaps one or two other surprises...

* Beans which hit and wound on 3+, doing 2 Damage with -2 to Rend. You know, the spicy beans.

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