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Sunday Preview – The Kroot Are on the Prowl

The Kroot are on the move. The most adaptable of the T’au Empire’s auxiliary forces are sharpening their knives ahead of the hunt in this week’s Sunday Preview, alongside new Warhammer Underworld releases and a selection of Necromunda miniatures and cards. Next week also marks the release of the long-awaited animation Broken Lance. Read on to find out more.


40k 600Wide LOGO

Kroot Hunting Pack

SundayPreview Mar10 40k 01 KrootBox

The Kroot are the most ubiquitous of the many alien auxiliaries that work with the T’au Empire. These ferocious hunters are masters of fieldcraft and guerilla warfare, harassing their enemies with unparalleled fury and no small hunger. 

The Kroot Hunting Pack army set crams in 20 new plastic Kroot Carnivores and a Krootox Rider, led by a veteran Kroot War Shaper. On top of that, a Flesh Shaper empowers the pack through butchery rituals while three impetuous Kroot Rampagers barrel into the enemy lines.

SundayPreview Mar10 40k 02 KrootBox

This box is also the first place you’ll be able to get Codex: T’au Empire, which contains all of the rules for the miniatures in the box and the rest of the T’au Empire’s forces, and comes with unique artwork. You also get a pack of 44 cards containing an army rule card, a double-sided drone rules card, four Combat Patrol datasheets and 38 T’au Empire Datasheets. The Codex and cards come in a special cardboard slipcase with an elastic strap so you can tote them around to your games. 

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Zondara’s Gravebreakers

SundayPreview Mar10 WHUW 01 Gravebreakers

Zondara and Ferlain have had their love torn apart by a terrible curse that has turned Ferlain into a snarling fiend. Calling on the bestial magic of Ghur and the forbidden power of necromancy, Zondara has raised a band of animated corpses to plunder the glacial depths of the Deathgorge and discover some way of returning her lover to his previous state. This new warband comes with a Rivals deck that uses undead thralls to unearth powerful upgrades for Zondara and Ferlain.

Rimelocked Relics

SundayPreview Mar10 WHUW 02 RimelockedRelics

Some say that the ancient ice encasing the blood-magic artefacts deep with the Deathgorge can be thawed out through the shedding of blood in combat. Rimelocked Relics breathes frosty new life into your warbands with special Rimelocked upgrades whose powerful abilities must be coaxed out with Thaw counters across the game. As this deck doesn’t come with any Gambit spell cards, it can be used by any warband in the game.

Rivals of the Mirrored City

SundayPreview Mar10 WHUW 03 RivalsMirrordCity

Four classic warbands from the early days of Warhammer Underworlds return, revitalised! Zarbag’s Gitz, Thorns of the Briar Queen, Mollog’s Mob, and Spiteclaw’s Swarm are all returning in the Rivals of the Mirrored City, which contains all four warbands and four new Rivals decks for each, featuring refined and updated cards

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Delaque Rogue Doc & Gang Lookout

SundayPreview Mar10 NEC 01 DelaqueLookout

The shadowy, smooth-headed gangers of Delaque are some of the weirdest weirdos in all of Necromunda – rumour has it they psychically commune with a species of subterranean fish. Regardless of their piscatory predilections, any good gang needs a Gang Lookout to keep a weather watch for trouble, as well as a Rogue Doc to patch up gangers when that trouble inevitably comes knocking. This two-pack is an expert kit made of Forge World resin.

Delaque Ash Wastes Upgrades

SundayPreview Mar10 NEC 02 DelaqueUpgrades

Surviving in the Ash Wastes of Necromunda requires specialised equipment and access to life-giving water. Members of the Delaque gang that venture into these inhospitable wastes bring special rebreathers, backpacks, and water flasks to help them weather such harsh environs. This expert kit is made from Forge World resin, and contains 10 heads, plus two sets of five backpacks, and 10 flasks.

Delaque and Zone Mortalis Gang Tactics Cards

SundayPreview Mar10 NEC 03 Cards

There are new Vehicle Tactics Cards for Delaque, while their second Gang Tactics pack gets a reprint. They both contain 18 tactics cards and eight blank cards for vehicles and fighters, respectively. The claustrophobic confines of Zone Mortalis meanwhile require a discrete tactical approach, supported by a pack of 26 cards, which include 12 gang-specific tactics cards, 12 universal gang tactics cards, and two rules cards.

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As we announced at the start of the Sunday Preview, Broken Lance comes to Warhammer+ this week.  

SundayPreview Mar10 WHPlus1

A valiant Knight household marches to war against a corrupted foe, and a brutal clash unfolds as colossal mechanical warriors tangle with each other in glorious 3D animation.

The Kroot have also infiltrated Battle Report, and the members of the Hunting Pack are stalking through the jungles of Hadrak’s Folly while a force of the Astra Militarum’s Catachan Jungle Fighters attempts to turn the tables on these consummate hunters. 

SundayPreview Mar10 WHPlus2

Our Loremasters presenter is getting sneaky as we infiltrate the Dark Cells on Holy Terra. Guarded by formidable Shadowkeepers of the Adeptus Custodes, the Dark Cells are the most secure prison in the entirety of the Imperium, confining some of the worst horrors in the galaxy, and our host is digging into what makes it such an effective lock-up – and who’s doing time.

On Warhammer Community, we’re revealing new miniatures for Necromunda and Legions Imperialis, and there’ll be coverage of the Kroot Hunting Pack, Warhammer Underworlds, and plenty more besides.

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