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  • Command 3 of Middle-earth’s Mightiest Heroes With the Defenders of Minas Tirith™

Command 3 of Middle-earth’s Mightiest Heroes With the Defenders of Minas Tirith™


This week, we’re joined by Middle-earth rules writer, Dan Entwisle, as he introduces a new series of Faction Focus articles for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. In each article, we’ll explore a different faction and look at some of the key Heroes and Warriors, as well as providing example army lists to give you an idea of how that faction might function on the tabletop. In today’s blog, we journey into the realm of Gondor to see what the defenders of the White City have to offer.

Dan: The City of Kings, Tower of the Guard, The White City. Minas Tirith is known by many names, but what’s undeniable is that it stands imperious as the mightiest city of Men. During the War of the Ring, the capital of Gondor stood all but inviolate against the numberless hordes of Mordor, thanks to the courage of its defenders and those who rode to the kingdom’s aid.

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Minas Tirith has been a popular faction ever since it was first introduced, and there’s a good reason for that. The army list contains some of the most powerful Heroes available to the forces of Good, as well as a large selection of mid-range ones that each perform a different, specialised role.

Warriors of Minas Tirith provide the backbone of most armies from the White City by virtue of their high Defence. After including a battleline of these tough and reliable Infantry, a well-rounded army list also has Cavalry and a diverse range of elite Infantry to flesh out the force.

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Minas Tirith is blessed with a number of impressive Heroes, chief among them being Aragorn, King Elessar, Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, and Gandalf the White.

King Elessar is an expert in close combat – with his high Fight value and 3 Attacks, the King of Gondor can go toe-to-toe with the best of Sauron’s minions. He also provides you with an endless supply of Might points thanks to his Mighty Hero special rule, meaning he can influence your force with his large pool of Heroic Actions late in the game. 

In addition to this, Aragorn also counts as a banner to all nearby friendly models, which will reward you for keeping him in the thick of the fighting with the rest of your army.

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Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, is another devastating combatant when it comes to close combat. Having the option to take both a horse and a lance, in addition to a whopping 6 Might points, Boromir can quickly ride down any threats to your army. 

His Horn of Gondor ensures he excels against numerous opponents, and he can carry another unique piece of wargear – the Banner of Minas Tirith. Not only is this a banner with an increased range of 6 inches, but it also provides a Fight value boost to Boromir and all friendly Gondor Warrior models within 6 inches of him. This takes your Warriors and Knights of Minas Tirith to Fight value 4, your elite troops to Fight value 5, and Boromir himself to a devastating Fight value 7.

Gandalf the White is no slouch when it comes to fighting with a sword in hand either, but the biggest upside to including the White Wizard is his mastery of magic. Gandalf can use Magical Powers such as Immobilise, Sorcerous Blast, and Banishment to help combat many of the threats that could usually overwhelm a traditional Minas Tirith force such as Mordor Trolls or Winged Nazgûl.

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If you’re looking for a less expensive alternative to lead the forces of Gondor, you’re spoilt for choice. Denethor, as a Hero of Valour, can lead a warband of 15 models for a low points investment. Madril, meanwhile, can help position your warbands exactly where you need them in Scenarios with Maelstrom of Battle deployment, thanks to his Master of Ambush special rule. 

If you need to anchor your shieldwall, Ingold’s Resolute Fighter special rule will help keep your battleline standing firm. Another solid option is Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys – a strong fighter who, thanks to his Line of Command special rule, can help stop your opponent from scoring crucial Victory Points for slaying your leader.

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Warriors of Minas Tirith will often make up the bulk of a Minas Tirith force. With a shield, spear, and bow as optional wargear, you can equip them to perform whatever role you need. Their Shieldwall special rule will reward you for keeping organised battlelines by bestowing a +1 bonus to their Defence, so make sure to position your troops carefully.

Knights of Minas Tirith add some real hitting power to your army. The Knights can deal plenty of damage when flanking opposing infantry, thanks to the combination of +1 To Wound from their lances and the additional Attack from charging. Consider teaming them up with the likes of Aragorn or Boromir on horseback to ensure they can keep charging forwards with plenty of Heroic Moves. 

Guards of the Fountain Court are possibly my favourite Warriors in all of Minas Tirith. Having a Fight value of 4 allows them to outfight most regular troops, and thanks to their spears they can easily support gaps in your formation. Equipping them with a shield brings them to Defence 7 and, coupled with Bodyguard, they’re ideal for holding the line against your opponent’s Monsters and other Terror-causing threats.

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Minas Tirith functions best when forming a shieldwall, presenting your opponent with an armoured frontage while protecting your flanks with terrain, Cavalry, or even Heroes. It’s vital that you maintain the integrity of your shieldwall, as a canny opponent will look to surround and trap your heavily-armoured troops in an attempt to get additional Strikes. 

If your opponent manages to break your line into smaller isolated sections, you’ll need to rely on your powerful Heroes and elites to step up and win the day – which, to be fair, they’re more than capable of doing.

Here are two example 700-point Minas Tirith army lists that I’ve used in the past. The first list is ideal for a new Minas Tirith general, with Denethor taking the lead with a block of elite troops, a cohort of Warriors of Minas Tirith making up the spine of the army, and Gandalf the White adding some potent magical backup.

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The other is a more elite force designed to focus on controlling the area of the battle around Boromir and the Banner of Minas Tirith. 

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Thanks, Dan! If you’re looking to start your own force hailing from the White City, grab yourself a set of Warriors of Minas Tirith and some Gondor Commanders to lead them into battle.

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