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  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – Galletian Champions Establish Themselves in the Meta

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – Galletian Champions Establish Themselves in the Meta

Two more weeks of bloody battles in the Age of Sigmar have passed, and Metawatch has returned to analyse the results of those games.

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The General’s Handbook Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 2 is well underway, and armies are incentivised to employ Galletian Champions to take advantage of their hard-won knowledge of the tunnels of Gallet. Warhammer TV Guru Nick has caught up with Lead Games Developer Matt to discuss the impact of the latest battletomes, and the implications of the next set of releases.

The Gloomspite Gitz and Beasts of Chaos establish their place in the meta with more confidence as players experiment with hordes of Squigs, Troggoths, and various surly flavours of braying beastmen, while the supreme sorcerers of the Lumineth Realm-lords and Disciples of Tzeentch continue to fight over the top spots.

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As the season continues, the Age of Sigmar team will continue to gather data and feedback, using it to tune the balance fo the game for competitive play. With battletomes for Hedonites of Slaanesh and Blades of Khorne coming to pre-order this weekend, we’re nearly halfway through the current release roadmap. 

Join us next week for some major Warhammer Age of Sigmar news from AdeptiCon – as well as a cheeky roadmap.

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