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  • Vashtorr’s rules revealed – Join the Cult of the Arkifane with a Free Army of Renown

Vashtorr’s rules revealed – Join the Cult of the Arkifane with a Free Army of Renown

Vashtorr the Arkifane is beholden to no god but himself. He shepherds his own congregation of indentured daemons to work the soul forges and fight his wars. Known as the Cult of the Arkifane, this motley collection of damned mortals and daemon engines fights with the infernal precision of their patron.

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Does an unholy fusion of warp trickery and daemon engines sound like your brand of Chaos? Good news! The Cogs of Vashtorr are recruiting, and you can meld your Chaos Space Marines army into a form that will please this mechanical monster by downloading his Army of Renown below.

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This is the perfect way to get the most from your Maulerfields and Defilers. Rich from the Warhammer 40,000 Studio is a recent convert to Vashtorr’s church and is here to sing its praises. 

Rich: ​​The Cogs of Vashtorr was designed to show off Vashtorr’s abominable intellect and the invigorating effect he has on the daemon engines he builds with such care and attention. We really wanted to celebrate the launch of such a darkly awesome character – and significant player in the Great Game of Chaos – and an Army of Renown themed around his daemon engines seemed like a great way to go about it. 

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I personally can't wait to bring Vashtorr alongside my Greater Brass Scorpion, which can benefit from many of the rules in a Cogs of Vashtorr army. For example the Foul Alterations stratagem can allow it to advance, shoot, and charge in the same turn – a potent mix for such a powerful beast!

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Though Vashtorr’s true genius lies in his artifice, he’s a towering presence of methodical violence on the battlefield. And while his full rules are included in the Wrath of the Soul Forge King boxed set – hitting pre-order this weekend – you can also download them here right now.

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The Soul Forge King hits with a force that befits his status as an unaligned demigod of (ordered) Chaos. With a native 7 Strength and 7 Attacks, he can hand out some serious hurt with his hammer. In particular, it can pummel enemy vehicles into literal dust… 

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His special rules, meanwhile, let him cripple enemy units from afar, invading and confounding their tech and riling the machine spirits of vehicles that dare stand in his way. 

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Your first chance to beseech Vashtorr for aid comes this Saturday when Wrath of the Soul Forge King – which accompanies Arks of Omen: Vashtorr and co-stars the reborn Grand Master Azrael – arrives for pre-order.

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