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The Ultramarines Legion Praetors are Ideal for Avenging Calth

HHCallToWar Apr15 Header22kowq

Welcome to Legion Dispatch, our regular series of articles showing off future releases for The Horus Heresy. So far, we’ve seen Maloghurst the Twisted, Imperial Fists Praetors, and the terrifying Argel Tal. We’re back to the Loyalist side today as we show off the Ultramarines Praetors.

The Ultramarines are well known for doing things by the book, so they probably had to get loads of forms filled in before their Legion Praetors were ready for battle. Now that Roboute Guilliman has given them the final stamp of approval, you’ll see that they’re well worth the wait.

As you’d expect from some of the finest warriors in the Legion, they are clad only in the best armour and carry the most powerful weapons available. They're covered in Ultramarines symbols and insignia so that you can easily identify who is in charge, whether you’re fighting in the catacombs of Calth* or starting your own Imperium.**

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HHLegionDispatch Jul20 UMTermPraetor1df

Available in either the most lavish of power armour or the equally impressive Terminator armour, these models will strike fear into both hearts of any Word Bearer (or Traitors from any other Legion, for that matter). So whether you’re holding back the Shadow Crusade*** or taking the slowest possible route to Terra, they will fit in perfectly with the rest of your Ultramarines collection.

The Ultramarines Praetors will be available to pre-order soon – make sure that you sign up for the Forge World newsletter so that you don’t miss any of the latest Horus Heresy updates. In the meantime, grab a unit of Invictarus Suzerain to accompany your Praetors into battle.

* Read all about the epic fight for Calth in The Horus Heresy novel Know No Fear and the anthology Mark of Calth.

** Find out more about the time Guilliman decided to found his own little kingdom in The Unremembered Empire.

*** And see how Angron and Lorgar launched a devastating attack upon Ultramar in Betrayer.

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