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  • Whip Your Van Saar Gang Into Peak Performance with New Champions

Whip Your Van Saar Gang Into Peak Performance with New Champions

NEC Arachnirig Sep13 VanSaarHeader

There’s never been a better time to run a Van Saar gang. Following hot on the heels of the murderous Arachni-rig servo-suit, you’ve got two experienced Champions coming soon to mix up your high-tech hit squad.

First up is this grizzled veteran with an awesome beard.

NEC VanSaarChamps Nov11 Images1

Equipped with sturdy mesh armour, a fancy cape, and an even fancier lasgun (complete with a scope and a hot-shot pack), he’s ready to show the young pups how it’s done. In true Van Saar fashion, he goes to battle armed with advanced technology – his souped-up rifle shows you he knows his way around the armoury.

But there are two Champions in this pack, and this lady is certainly no stranger to war – or to Van Saar Cyberteknika.

NEC VanSaarChamps Nov11 Images2

Her unusual bionic leg tells you a lot about both the bizarre technology of the House of Artifice, as well as her long career in the harsh gang battles of the underhive. Clad in flak armour, her unsettling appearance is a perfect match for the powerful weaponry she brings to bear, leaving little doubt as to her effectiveness.

These new models can be used to represent Augmeks for that all-important Group Activation or as Archeoteks for easy access to the very best equipment and skills you can find. You could even use them as your Leader!

These Champions will be available shortly to provide strong role models to your Juves. Of course, make sure you pick up the House of Artifice if you haven’t already, which contains the full rules for Augmeks and Archeoteks.

NEC VanSaarChamps Nov11 Images3

While we wait for these two to arrive, why not head to the Forge World Facebook page to let us know what you think of this new wrinkle in the Van Saar aesthetic?

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