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  • We Thought Predators Couldn’t Get More Versatile. Then the Support Tank Arrived

We Thought Predators Couldn’t Get More Versatile. Then the Support Tank Arrived

Heresy Thursday

Back in July, we met the Deimos-pattern Predator tank – a versatile, dependable beast with a wide array of powerful weapons. But what if we told you it had an equally impressive twin, with even more turret options? We’d sound warp-addled… right?

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The Predator Support Tank delivers. Using the same profile as the Predator Battle Tank,* this kit arrives with some of the more esoteric weapons used by the Legiones Astartes. Between them, there isn’t an enemy the Predator can’t deal with.

Executioner Plasma Destroyer

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Old (un)reliable, plasma has a well-earned marine-melting reputation, and the executioner plasma destroyer cranks it up a notch by adding an explosion large enough to vapourise entire Tactical squads.

Magna-melta Cannon

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Turn vehicles into instant slag with a melta cannon so powerful it rivals the main gun of a Kratos Assault Tank. Its respectable fire rate also does double-duty melting enemy elites, from Terminators to Battle-automata

Flamestorm Cannon

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A favourite of the Salamanders,** the flamestorm cannon is the final word in anti-infantry firepower. Powerful projectors launch flames many times further than your garden-variety flamer, torching swathes of lightly armoured targets.

Heavy Conversion Beam Cannon

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Conversion beam cannons are relics of the Dark Age of Technology, poorly understood but employed to great effect on Predators and Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Its distinctive beam focuses as it travels, rising in power until it punches straight through the thickest armour at extreme range and explodes in a blinding flash.

Neutron Blaster

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Although short-ranged compared to its tank-hunting counterparts, the archaeotech neutron blaster delivers a burst of radiation with an impact that fries systems and addles crew – presuming any survive.

The Predator’s arsenal makes it the ultimate tracked multitool for the Age of Darkness, so add a handful to your squadrons and dominate the battlefield when pre-orders arrive next week. Join us in a week for more Warhammer: The Horus Heresy reveals, with a decidedly Halloween vibe…

* Both kits build the Legion Predator Squadron unit found in Liber Astartes and Liber Hereticus.

** One of their Rites of War lets you use flamestorm cannon-equipped Predators as Troops choices!

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