Along with animations, battle reports, exclusive models, and more, Warhammer+ subscribers get access to an ever-growing library of in-depth painting tutorials from Citadel Colour Masterclass. These advanced video guides cover granular topics like aged leather, flushed skin tones, or rusted weapons – sometimes, however, it helps to take a step back and look at painting techniques through a wider lens. That’s what they’re doing this week, by tackling analogous colour schemes – and the colour wheel.
For those not in the know, the colour wheel – and colour theory in general – defines the relationships between colours to help us figure out which ones look good together.* If you’ve ever wondered why blue and orange show up together so often, or the bright yellow helmets on your Blood Angels Assault Intercessors match their red armour so nicely, it’s all on the wheel.
Today’s episode teaches us all about analogous colours in particular – the ones that sit close to each other and share common themes. It’s a great resource to help figure out your own palettes for painting themed armies, and only the first in a coming multipart series about colour theory.
Speaking of multiparters, Loremasters continues through the cosmology of Warhammer Age of Sigmar today by visiting the Realm of Heavens and the tumultuous Eightpoints. Find out how Azyr held out against the Dark Powers throughout the Age of Chaos, why Archaon was so eager to claim the central nexus of the Mortal Realms, and who has sought to topple the Everchosen’s seat of power. To get access to these shows and our whole library of animations and other episodes, subscribe to Warhammer+ by clicking below.
* The colour wheel was created by Sir Isaac Newton, clearly not content with also developing calculus, discovering the theory of gravity, and trying to cook up the philosopher’s stone.