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The Jade Obelisk Are Rock Solid in Warcry Thanks to Powerful Abilities and Stony Sorcery

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The latest boxed expansion for Warcry is nearly here. Sundered Fate pits the Seraphon guardians who stalk the overgrown wreckage of the void-ship Talaxis against invading idolators. 

We’ve already seen how the Chameleon Skinks of the Hunters of Huanchi operate on a hit-and-run basis. Today, we’re going to chip away at the Jade Obelisk and find a little bit out about violent masonry and sinister stonework.

WC JORules Nov24 Content

Having made a pact with an enigmatic entity known as the Speaker in the Stone, the cultists of the Jade Obelisk are afflicted with a curse that slowly turns them to stone. Their unique Reaction makes use of The Curse of Jade to reduce incoming damage – as the saying goes, when life gives you cinderfruit...

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At the head of every Jade Obelisk warband is a Nephrite Priestess, a zealot who likes to cut the still-beating hearts from her enemies, feeding them to the avian Idolarcs that accompany the warband. These tasty treats please the Speaker from the Stone, and slow the curse.

If they fell an enemy in battle, the Bloody Tribute that follows allows the Priestess to give a fighter a bonus move action if they’re within 9” of an Icon Bearer – limber up those stony joints!

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As you might have guessed, the Icon Bearer runemark is particularly important to the Jade Obelisk. The Obelisk Bearer proudly carries that runemark for the warband, along with a graven chunk of the Speaker’s jade form. No surprise he’s a bit of a beast in combat – every day is a weighty workout…

Waves of raw change-energy radiate from this accursed chunk of jade, knitting his comrades’ petrified flesh back together with the power of the Stonewarp. Any fighter within 9” of the Obelisk Bearer can use this ability to heal a chunk of damage – and its power doubles if the Nephrite Priestess is near.

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These bursts of healing keep the slow-moving Desecrators hale and hearty, as they lumber towards unbelievers with the express purpose of pulverising them with their statue-smasher hammers.

WC JORules Nov24 BoxoutsCard

A few blows from these demolition tools will be enough to adequately splatter any skink, and do grievous damage to some of the more durable warriors encountered in the Ravening Ruin.

Of course, these lumbering brutes will need to catch those slippery Seraphon first – pre-order Warcy: Sundered Fate this weekend to find out how these indomitable zealots fare against their cold-blooded rivals.

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