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  • Your Kruleboyz Will Be the Most Disgusting Force Around Thanks to These Swampy Rules and Units

Your Kruleboyz Will Be the Most Disgusting Force Around Thanks to These Swampy Rules and Units

AoS OrrukRules Jul27 Orruk FactionHeader

Over the next few weeks, reinforcements are on the way for the new orruk warclans subfaction. While many armies revel in bright colours and clean, crisp uniforms, the Kruleboyz are champions of sludge and filth. They’re delightfully dirty in both the way they look as well as the way they fight, and these units and rules will let you embrace the swampy vibe to build the most revolting army in the Mortal Realms.

SwampyOrruks Sept15 Orruksarmy2

The Dominion boxed set gives you a solid start to your army, and the Swampcalla Shaman is absolutely essential to making your Kruleboyz as disgusting as possible. They specialise in conjuring clouds of putrid fog, obscuring their troops and choking the enemy with rancid fumes in equal measure. The shamans of the Grinnin’ Blades warclan are so proficient at it that they can hide an entire army from view within the heavy, offensive miasma.

SwampyOrruks Sept15 Outofthemists

While the Kruleboyz are a grimy lot, the beasts they drag from the swamps really glisten with muck. Breaka-bosses on Mirebrute Troggoths stalk the bogs hoping to find the biggest and juiciest specimens that can serve as vicious mounts for their Killabosses. Having so many large Monsters in your Kruleboyz force gives you plenty of chances to use the new edition’s monstrous rampage rules to their fullest.

SwampyOrruks Sept15 OrruksArmy

If building a horde of slimy Monsters sounds like your kind of fun, the Skulbugz warclan are the Boyz for you.  They surround themselves with a blanket of swarming, biting, wriggling insects that crawl up their foes’ legs. 

SwampyOrruks Sept15 CrawlySwarm

It’s truly horrifying stuff, and these creepy crawlies are more than a little distracting for anyone trying to fight this warclan.

The leader of your army should be the foulest of the lot, and the Kruleboyz have a whole host of foetid options. This week’s upcoming pre-orders see Swampboss Skumdrekk arrive on his Sludgeraker Beast – a diabolical creature covered in layers of detritus, slime, and other hateful substances. So potent is this mixture that nearby Kruleboyz coat their weapons with it to power up their attacks even more than their usual poisons do.

SwampyOrruks Sept15 SludgerakerVenom

Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork, is also available to pre-order this Saturday. He’s more than happy to rain magical hell from the skies as he rides his Corpse-rippa Vulcha, and the beast itself is a storm of tearing claws and beak – perfect for picking off enemy leaders.

SwampyOrruks Sept15 Gobsprakk

One of the best things about having an army that revels in filth and grime is the sheer variety of painting techniques you can use on your miniatures. Whether it’s basing them with a thick layer of mud or getting a sickly skin tone on your Monsters, the Citadel Colour website has plenty of painting guides that’ll have your Kruleboyz looking their best.*

SwampyOrruks Sept15 howtopaint

Keep an eye out for the new orruks that are on the way this Saturday, and pre-order your copy of Battletome: Orruk Warclans now so that you’re ready to emerge from the swamps when the Kruleboyz reinforcements arrive. 

* Or their worst, depending on your perspective.

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