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  • Imperial Agents Datasheet – Inquisitors and Assassins Join the Battle Against the Arks of Omen

Imperial Agents Datasheet – Inquisitors and Assassins Join the Battle Against the Arks of Omen

The Imperium’s most secretive operatives sometimes embed themselves into other forces to pursue their shadowy agendas, acting independently as AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM. These Inquisitors, assassins, and auxiliaries have been left out of the Arks of Omen season so far, but that’s set to change.

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This free datasheet download contains updated profiles for Inquisitors and their retinues, assassins of the Vindicare, Callidus, Eversor, and Culexus Temples, wealthy Rogue Traders, and the footsoldiers of the Navis Imperialis. Points costs for these units can all be found in the Munitorum Field Manual.

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These changes also update the Agents of the Imperium ability to include the new Arks of Omen and Boarding Patrol Detachments, allowing any Imperial faction to include a single unit without losing Detachment abilities or using up a Battlefield Role slot. That’s especially useful for Boarding Actions games, where you can include an Inquisitor without occupying your single HQ slot. 

The document also moves AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM to the Faction keyword box – for those looking to field an entire Detachment of special agents. If you want to build a Boarding Patrol of Inquisitorial agents or Navy privateers, you can do that too – free rules are available in the Boarding Actions Mustering Dataslate.

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Imperial Navy Breachers are available to pre-order now, ready to join all Imperial Boarding Patrols, and you can find a wide selection of Inquisitors and Assassins on the Games Workshop webstore.

As the Arks of Omen spread terror across the galaxy, the Inquisition and the Navy will both have their work cut out for them – stay tuned for more, and sign up to our newsletter to get the latest dispatches sent straight to your inbox.

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