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NOVA Open Preview – Dysfunctional Daemons and Determined Deepkin Duel Over Souls

The Everwinter has transformed Bjarl, a southern continent of Ghur, into a desolate frozen wasteland, utterly hostile to life. Those who know where to look have found openings in these gelid environs that give way to a warren of frost-bitten tunnels, cutting to the heart of Ghur itself. Welcome to the Deathgorge, the sub-zero setting for the next season of Warhammer Underworlds.

Frozen into this winding network of burrows and chasms are treasures from lost civilizations, waiting to be thawed out – as well as the imprisoned souls of dead warriors, ripe to be claimed by those who have the guts to battle not only the elements, but other avaricious warbands. 

The inimical Everwinter makes spelunking into these rimy depths particularly dangerous. Yet despite the danger, many adventurous souls are drawn to its rime-frosted caverns – which is good news for fans of the ultimate competitive miniatures game, because it means even more tense tactical fights.

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This box contains everything you need to get started with Warhammer Underworlds if you’re a brand new player, and loads of juicy warbands and cards for existing players. It contains two new warbands, four new Rivals decks intended to be played right out of the box, a rulebook featuring some slightly updated rules, plus all the requisite dice and tokens. So, let’s look at those warbands!

The Thricefold Discord are a trio of soul-seeking daemons of Slaanesh who absolutely despise each other, their constant feuding a source of irritation to any Hedonite unlucky enough to get involved with them. They’ve been punished for their endless squabbling by Syll’Esske the Vengeful Allegiance, and must work together to recover 666 souls from the frozen depths of the Deathgorge as penance. 

These daemons are unlikely to learn the value of friendship along the way – fortunately, their internecine animosity only helps fuel their quest.

With such a fresh bounty of souls waiting to be hacked out of the permafrost, it was inevitable that the Idoneth Deepkin would send expeditions of their own to the Deathgorge. Dozens of these have failed, but now Cyreni’s Razors have broken into its glacial hollows. 

Tidecaster Cyreni hails from the dark seas of Ulgu, and is no stranger to numbing temperatures. Accompanying her are two Namarti, hand-picked from the ranks of the Ionrach, plus her loyal spirit guardian Cephanyr, who lends a hand (or 10) by seeking out souls and clobbering assailants.

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Each warband comes with its own Rivals deck that can you use to open, shuffle, and play games with straight away, but Deathgorge also contains two universal Rivals decks – Breakneck Slaughter and Force of Frost – which you can use with your warband of choice, or raid for cards to use when creating Nemesis decks

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Climb your way out of these ice-coated tunnels and head over to the NOVA hub to check out the rest of today’s dazzling reveals.

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