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Saturday Pre-orders – A Towering Lancer and Noisome Skaven

This week’s pre-orders visit the two extremes of Warhammer – the very tall and the very small, giving you the option to stride or scurry into battle.

HorusHeresy2022 Black 600Wide LOGO

Cerastus Knight Lancer

Armed with an ion gauntlet shield and an armour piercing shock lance, the Cerastus Knight Lancer is an alarmingly fast Knight that charges headlong into the fray to skewer heavy armour and trample infantry. Now available to pre-order in plastic for the first time, this exceedingly poseable kit can be built standing, running, pivoting to attack, and in any number of other impressive poses you can conceive.

GW PreOrders Aug5 01 KnightLancer

Interior detailing of the Throne Mechanicum and the Knight’s pilot add to the details of this wonderful centrepiece kit. Also included is a transfer sheet containing 517 decals, including emblems and patterns for Loyalist and Traitor Households such as House Makabius and House Vyroni.

WHUW Wyrdhollow 600Wide LOGO

Skabbik’s Plaguepack

GW PreOrders Aug5 02 Plaguepack

A foul reagent of mythic potency supposedly lies deep within the Wyrdhollow, a key to creating one of the remaining Great Plagues. Only Skabbik’s Plaguepack are zealous enough to brave the depths and secure this vital ingredient. Armed with foetid blades and plague-spewing censers, this aggressive six-miniature warband overwhelms opponents with numerous noiseome bodies, corrupting territory as it goes. Judicious use of the expendable Skritter and a willingness to sacrifice skaven for success will put the Plaguepack in the Horned Rat’s good graces.

Paths of Prophecy Rivals Deck

GW PreOrders Aug5 03 PathsOfProphecyDeck

The Wyrdhollow reeks of sorcery, and the weight of arcane energy that suffuses this vile place is enough to make even the most incurious brute see cosmic visions. Paths of Prophecy is a Rivals deck that keys your warband into all of the surreptitious signs and ominous auguries in the Wyrdhollow. All you need to do is follow these signs and carve a path to victory with this Objective-based deck, which especially favours high model-count warbands.*

Everything above is available to pre-order from the Games Workshop webstore now.

* This product is delayed in US and Canada.

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