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Join the Inquisition To Hunt a Mutating Chaos Cult in a New Kill Team Campaign Expansion

While the Gallowdark is falling to earth on one side of the galaxy, the powers of Chaos are corrupting yet another Imperial world on the other – and with cult influence running deep, only the Emperor’s most holy Inquisition can root them out once and for all.

Welcome to Kill Team: Ashes of Faith – a brand new expansion box packed with 40 miniatures and a deep narrative campaign system full of territories to capture and schemes to concoct. 

This box is a bit of an oddity; It’s not part of the current Kill Team season. Rather this is a narrative campaign in a box and a brand new way to play Kill Team.

Fest2023 KTAoF TerrainShot

The stars of the show are the new Inquisitorial Agents. These shadowy specialists are an Inquisitor’s most valuable assets, whose unique skills and abilities are vital for fighting a war in the darkness. 

Four of these acolytes can be each be built as two completely different operatives – the pistol-packing Interrogator can also become a knife-juggling Enlightener, for example – while there’s also an Autosavant, a faithful Tome-skull, and a Gun Servitor who can be armed (literally) with a heavy bolter, multi-melta, or plasma cannon.

Many of these inquisitorial operatives have nods to miniatures from the classic large-scale Inquisitor game, including a very faithful reimagining of an Imperial Guard Veteran with a polearm.

Seven intrepid mortals – no matter how skilled – aren't quite enough to take down a planet-spanning Chaos Cult. Fortunately, an Inquisitor can call upon faithful servants from across the Imperium to fight the sickness. 

Tempestus Scions

Six different groups can lend their aid, in the form of Ancillary Support operatives – Tempestus Scions and Sisters of Silence are included in the box, but you may also deputise Kasrkin, Imperial Navy Breachers, Arbites Exaction Squads, or Veteran Guardsmen. Each can dispatch a squad of their best to join your acolytes, making this the most flexible kill team ever devised. So if you’ve been collecting Kill Teams, odds are that you have some easy ways to add even more flexibility to this unusual crew.

Fest2023 KTAoF Box

Whatever their origins, these soldiers of the faith stand against the Hidden Canker – a sprawling Chaos Cult that offers a completely unique experience in Kill Team. Chaos Cult operatives mutate in the midst of battle into new and grotesque forms, sprouting weapons and sealing wounds as their flesh shifts and morphs.

Even the lowliest Cult Devotee can grow into a hulking Mutant – and from there, ascend into a mighty Torment rippling with claws and fangs. The Dark Commune spur their followers into battle through profane exhortations even as the powers of the warp overcome them, twisting the cult further and further as time ticks by.


The battle for the city of Deepwell – and with it, the very planet of Exhalus – is a push-and-pull struggle for control of vital locations, using decks of cards, reusable stickers, and chunky terrain tiles to create objectives, enlist conspirators, and hoodwink your opponent. The cards included are themed around the Inquisition and Cult forces included in the box, but they can be used by any Kill Team to run the campaign as you see fit.

Kill Team: Ashes of Faith Cards

Ashes of Faith provides a complete start-to-finish campaign system that only needs a killzone to play, and will offer wildly different experiences every time as plans go awry and momentum shifts back and forth ahead of the nail-biting finale. The Kill Teams in this box are also usable in more traditional Kill Team campaigns and matched play missions, and they both offer a distinct playstyle.

We’ll be looking at the campaign in more detail in the coming weeks here at Warhammer Community. In the meantime, head back to the Warhammer Fest hub page to see everything else revealed so far.

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