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White Dwarf 485 Unleashes More From Arks of Omen and Sets the Grots Loose in Warcry

Every month White Dwarf is filled from cover to cover with brilliant articles on your favourite Warhammer games, gorgeous miniatures, and more. Here’s what caught our eye in Issue 485, which comes out later in February.

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In Warhammer 40,000, Boarding Actions have the White Dwarf team in a frenzy, and this week they’ve filled out a frankly ridiculous 40 pages of new background and rules for their very own Ark of Omen, Herald of Misery

Of particular interest is a new mission type – Void Siege, in which attack troops pour out of boarding pods set up on the board edge. 

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Naturally, there’s no siege quite like an Iron Warriors siege – even in the cold, hard void of space – so this issue brings fresh Stratagems and Enhancements for their Bronzewrought Patrols.

All this interstellar action is topped off by a tactical analysis of the Strongrooms Mission in Arks of Omen: Angron and a Battle Report between Tempestus Scions and World Eaters using the Jailbreak Mission.*

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Gloomspite Gitz are everywhere in the Mortal Realms, even venturing into the Ravening Ruin in games of Warcry, seeking out anything remotely shiny or fungal. This issue brings extensive rules for enterprising grots, including two new quests, a quest battleplan, and rules for Grinkrak’s Looncourt.

Check out the first part of a new Necromunda campaign set during the Aranthian Succession, which takes place in Cinderak City.

There’s still more! A Tale of 44 Warlords takes a jaunt through the hall of honour to check out the highlights of a much-beloved feature, and you can also read Rat-tail, the first part of a new Grombrindal serial by Chris Thursten. 

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* No-one locks Khârn the Betrayer in a box….

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