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  • The Ironjawz Have Reached New Heights of Brutality in the Era of the Beast

The Ironjawz Have Reached New Heights of Brutality in the Era of the Beast

Orruks swarm the Mortal Realms in greater numbers, propelled to violent new heights by the appearance of Kragnos and forming the biggest Waaagh! ever seen. 

With that endless primal drumbeat hammering in their heads, the Ironjawz have found a kinship in the massive porcine Maw-gruntas. These mighty pigs are native to Ghur, and more than match orruks for brute strength and aggression. 

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Few foes in the realms can stop these creatures on the charge, and getting in the way of one is beyond stupid for anyone who values their life, so naturally it was the orruk Krazogg Hornsplitta of the Ironsunz who first developed a technique for bringing one of these slobbering hogs to heel.

Da Krazogg Manoova is simple – a whole lot of orruks work together to shepherd a Maw-grunta into an inescapable canyon, then face the hog down. When faced with the terrifying sight of a mass of hollering greenskins taking lumps out of each other it may flinch just long enough for one brave lad to leap on its back, stick a hakka in for purchase, and ride out the creature’s primal bucking.

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Domination in this way feeds into the central mantra of Ironjawz society – might makes right. The biggest orruks assert their authority by clobbering anyone who refuses to listen, and this pugilistic approach to diplomacy can create continent-spanning empires through a natural hierarchy of who can apply fists to faces with the most efficacy. 

The discovery of the Maw-grunta in Ghur and its export across the realms facilitated by the Bloodtoofs have seen the Ironjawz undergo a “revolushun” of sorts. Every clan adopts Gruntfists – formations of Maw and Gore-gruntas led by mighty Tuskfists.* 

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These meatheaded brutes have watched the Dawnbringer Crusades with great curiosity, their Ardboys adopting shields and stikkas in a mocking facsimile of the Castelite formation. Orruks poke at their opponents from just a little further away, before battering them to death with heavy iron shields. The uncontrollable nature of the Tuskfists combined with the martial attitude of the Ardboys now threatens to overrun the Mortal Realms.

Get swept up in the Waaagh! and pre-order the new units this Saturday, and check out an interview with the miniatures designers here, and check out how Maw-gruntas run riot with the free Battletome Supplement: Ironjawz.

* Exporting here tends to mean little more than diverting ceaseless stampedes of Maw-gruntas through realmgates just to see what happens.

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