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LVO 2023 – Monastic Vampires and Flesh Hound Aficionados Tear Into Warcry

Not every Warband that ventures into the Gnarlwood does so to scavenge for artefacts in the Ravening Ruin of Talaxis. Some simply make a pilgrimage there to test their combat skills, slaughter powerful new foes, and shed gallons of lovely blood.

Warcry: Blood Hunt pits two bloodthirsty new warbands against each other in a spectacular explosion of claret. Alongside new Ghurish terrain, this boxed set introduced two new warbands – the Askurgan Trueblades and the Claws of Karanak.

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The Askurgan Trueblades are our first look at undead from the realm of Ghur. The Soulblight curse afflicts this order of warrior monks just like any other vampire, but in order to sate their thirst, they hunt the great beasts of the realms, gorging themselves on primal energies and attempt not to succumb to their bestial tendencies.

Opposing them are the Claws of Karanak, mortals who worship the daemonic Flesh Hounds of Khorne. These savage warriors have abandoned the last vestiges of civilisation, even loping into battle on all fours.

This boxed set brings a bevy of new terrain. Fortified gnarloaks and reinforced platforms broaden the landscape of possibilities in the Gnarlwood, and let fighters who clamber on them pepper their foes with makeshift missiles. 

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Bloodhunt contains a comprehensive Warband tome Predator and Prey. This details the lore and rules for both warbands, and brings fresh rules and scenarios to the fray. Head back to the Warhammer Preview Online Hub for all the other reveals.

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