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Join the Battle for Middle-Earth™with Four new Battlehosts and Free Quickstart Rules PDFs

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There’s never been a better time for a foray into the world of Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game, with the loaded Lord of the Rings™ Battle of Osgiliath boxed set on the horizon, alongside a range of four Battlehosts.

ME Battlehosts Sep7 BoxesEach Battlehost box represents a favourite Middle-earth faction – two on the side of Good in the form of Rohan and Minas Tirith, and Isengard and Mordor representing the forces of Evil. Each is packed with models which make the perfect starting point for a collection, or a new army.

Rohan™ Battlehost

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Saddle up and muster the Warriors of Rohan beneath the banner of Éomer and take the fight to the forces of Evil.

This thundering box contains 32 plastic Citadel miniatures, with two versions of Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark (mounted and on foot) as well as 24 Warriors of Rohan and six mighty Riders of Rohan!

Éomer is one of Rohan's foremost warriors. Exiled by the command of Grima Wormtongue, he returns to aid his king at the Battle of the Hornburg. What the Warriors of Rohan lack in armour, they make up for with courage and bloody minded determination.

Minas Tirith™ Battlehost

ME Battlehosts Sep7 Image2Sally forth from the White City alongside Gandalf the White and Peregrin ‘Pippin’ Took as they command the forces of Minas Tirith. This epic box contains 33 plastic Citadel miniatures with two versions of Gandalf the White (mounted and on foot), Peregrin Took, 24 Warriors of Minas Tirith, and six Knights of Minas Tirith.

Trained to wield a variety of weapons, from the humble sword or bow, to the deadly knight's lance, these valiant fighters defend the White City against the legions of Mordor. Resolute Warriors support the tall and stern Knights who are the pride of Gondor's armies.

Mordor™ Battlehost

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Reclaim the One Ring for the Dark Lord with the Mordor Battlehost, led by the powerful Witch-king of Angmar, supported by hordes of Orcs, and the fast and deadly Warg Riders. This threatening boxed set contains 32 plastic Citadel miniatures including the Witch-king of Angmar (mounted and on foot), 24 Mordor Orcs and six Warg Riders.

The Witch-king is Sauron’s most lethal lieutenant. Robed in black, the evil Witch-king has long since forgotten the man he used to be before he was gifted one of the Rings of Power. 

Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in slaughter and destruction, while Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves – dangerous creatures with a cunning intelligence.

Isengard™ Battlehost

ME Battlehosts Sep7 Image3Join the ranks of the fallen Istari Saruman, one of the most powerful wizards in Middle-earth, who leads the Isengard Battlehost of Uruk-hai Scouts and Uruk-hai Warriors – followed by his faithful minion Gríma Wormtongue.This battleforce contains a massive 48 plastic Citadel Miniatures including Saruman, either mounted or on foot with his Palantír on a plinth, the loathsome Gríma Wormtongue, 24 Uruk-hai Scouts and 20 Uruk-hai Warriors.

Once the leader of the Council of the Wise, Saruman the White was corrupted by the  Dark Lord as he gazed into the Palantír of Orthanc, while Gríma is a man of Rohan who sold his services to Saruman in exchange for promises of wealth and power. If Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth then the Uruk-hai, created by Saruman himself, are the most dangerous perversion of this breed.

Download Quickstart Rules – Completely for Free!

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Whatever your leanings, the new Battlehosts are a fantastic way to start or bolster a Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game collection, and once you pick your side you’ll want to hit the battlefield running.

For this reason, we’re giving away a Quickstart Rules Guide PDF which can be downloaded right here. The document contains a simplified set of the Core Rules, as well as a selection of scenarios to play through. We’re also giving away four separate Quickstart Booklet PDFs – one for each of the Battlehosts – with profiles for all the miniatures you get in the boxes so you can get started playing as easily as possible.

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