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Take Your Nighthaunt on a Magical Voyage with Awlrach the Drowner

AoSFFNighthaunt Jun20 Header23w

Battletome: Nighthaunt will be available to pre-order this very weekend. Get ready for a bone-chilling boat ride with everyone’s favourite cursed helmsman – Awlrach the Drowner is also heading to pre-order!

NHAwlrach May11 Terrain1

We first saw this new Nighthaunt miniature at AdeptiCon, and it’s time to find out what makes him oar-some on the battlefield.

This spectral sailor’s signature ability is Passage Through the Underworlds. All that time spent on the water in life has given him an uncanny knack for navigation across the ethereal plane. Awlrach can grab any visible, friendly Nighthaunt unit and drag them screaming through the netherworld, to make landfall elsewhere.*

Passage through the underworlds

When this frightful ferryman weighs anchor, he must do so the usual 9” away from enemy units, as must his phantasmal passengers – they have to keep their hands in the boat and stay within 12” of Awlrach when they disembark.

You can use this to yank a full unit of Chainrasps off one objective and onto another to secure a Conquest Battle Tactic, for instance. Or for a more aggressive move, you can reposition a unit of Craventhrone Guard behind a wall and fire through it with their spectral bolts.

All that rowing has given this ghostly boatswain plenty of practice swinging his deathwood oar.

Deathwood Oar

His 3” range allows him to bonk heads over the top of a mass of infantry, and if you charge him directly into a unit, the ram on the prow of his boat comes into play. If this spiky protuberance kills anyone on the charge, Awlrach can then lay about with his oar for some punishing extra damage, thanks to his Scything Ram rule.

Your opponent won’t have anywhere to hide, which will pair perfectly with the battle traits we showed you last week.

NHAwlrach May11 Terrain2

There are plenty more spooky strategies to enact with Battletome: Nighthaunt, which is heaving into pre-order this weekend with malice aforethought.

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* Screaming with delight, we think – it’s hard to tell with Nighthaunt.

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