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Community Painters Have Brought Clan Colours to the Leagues of Votann Army Set

Fest2022 LoV May4 Header

The Leagues of Votann are on pre-order this weekend, with a doughty new Army Set that contains everything you need to get to the tabletop. The various major Clans have finally had their colour schemes and backgrounds revealed, and certain lucky painters around the community have painted up their preview copies to match.

Colin Ward

40kVotannPainters Sep16 ColinWard

Colin has gone all in on the Trans-Hyperian Alliance, with some eye-popping orange armour contrasting against the crisp white snow of the bases. This glorious collection also features some excellent battle damage – we’ll bet they’ve racked up some nasty grudges

40kVotannPainters Sep16 ColinWardDetails

Matthew Herrington 

40kVotannPainters Sep16 MatthewHerrington

The Leagues of Votann Army Set lets you build a highly-customisable Kâhl to lead your army – or Ûthar the Destined, a living legend armed with the glowing Blade of the Ancestors. Matthew’s taken the latter route, and painted this prophesied hero in his own take on the GTL’s turquoise armour.

Thor Intararangson

40kVotannPainters Sep16 ThorIntararangson

Thor has gone for quality over quantity, providing us with this gorgeous Theyn from a Hearthkyn Warrior unit, armed with an EtaCarn plasma pistol and a mighty concussion gauntlet. The orange armour is set off by the searing blue of the plasma coils and visor.

Pete Harrison

40kVotannPainters Sep16 PeteHarrison

Pete’s Einhyr Champion belongs to the Urani-Surtr Regulates, and conveys the stoic nature of this hardy League. Decked out in a neutral green and black covered in chips and dents, the restrained gold details and chilly-looking forgewrought plasma axe show a more rugged side to the Kin.

Darcy Bono

Darcy spoils us with three different colour schemes, including an Einhyr Champion whose black with zesty yellow armour riffs on the Kronus Hegemony. The soft cloth undersuits on her Hearthkyn Warriors contrast with crisply highlighted armour, to show off a variety of schemes that would look stunning across a whole army.

Jessica Smart 

The Trans-Hyperian Alliance proved extremely popular – Jessica also painted up the entire Army set box in blazing orange of these hardy explorers. There’s a less saturated armour colour here mixed in with some neat variations, such as splashes of blue on the plasma weapons and the dark chassis of the Hernkyn Pioneers.

Chris Frosin

40kVotannPainters Sep16 ChrisFrosin

Chris has treated us to a terrifying Einhyr Champion from the Ymyr Conglomerate. With burning red armour – and a beard and helmet that wouldn’t look out of place on a Fyreslayer – this converted Kin is ready to sizzle on the tabletop.

Christoph Eichhorn

40kVotannPainters Sep16 ChristophEichhorn

Christoph shows us even more ways to eke variety out of Trans-Hyperian Alliance orange, with two absolutely beautiful miniatures in very different styles. One is all soft blends and natural shadows, while the other revels in stark contrast and punchy colours.

Liam Howell

40kVotannPainters Sep16 LiamHowell

The Leagues of Votann range is full of fantastic new miniatures – a perfect challenge for painters who want to push themselves, as demonstrated by Liam Howell’s jaw-dropping Ymyr Conglomerate Kâhl, which is a sumptuous feast of high-level painting techniques.*

Vince Venturella 

40kVotannPainters Sep16 VinceVentruella

Speaking of painters pushing themselves, Vince tackles the Einhyr Champion with inimitable style, which features some beautiful blends on the armour and masterwrought plasma axe, atop a base fit for a hero.

Joshua Hill

40kVotannPainters Sep16 JoshuaHill

Joshua has given us a testing selection of Hearthkyn Warriors – one for each Clan. This prismatic coalition shows off the variety of colours and approaches that can be taken with the Leagues of Votann, with some wonderfully crisp work. 

Alison Kersley

40kVotannPainters Sep16 AlisonKersley

Alison closes out our round-up with the super popular Trans-Hyperian Alliance – why break a trend when it’s this hot? Crisp highlights and a piercing-studded grimace from the unhelmeted face perfectly set off this Einhyr Champion.

With the Leagues of Votann Army Set available for pre-order this weekend, including a codex packed full of rules, background, and gorgeous miniature photography, we’ve collected a library of painting videos so you can tackle the box set with confidence.

* Including non-metallic metals – Warhammer+ subscribers can check out this technique in the Citadel Colour Masterclass.

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