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Meet the Grim Knight Who Burns the Bones of his Dead Pals to Nullify Enemy Prayers

AoS StormcastRules Jul29 Stormcast FactionHeader

The heavens part and the thunderstrike-clad warriors of the Stormcast Eternals plunge into pre-orders this week. Led by the lightning-wreathed Bastian Carthalos, the Vanquishers, Vigilors, and Vindictors are coming to and (hopefully) conquering a battlefield near you.

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Alongside them, like a bitter bolt from the blue, appears the Knight-Relictor. Who is this morbid-looking fellow? What is in that little box he wears on his tummy? And what does the incense wafting out of that precious little skull burner smell like?* 

Knight-Relictors are the warrior-clerics of the Stormcast Eternals. They are the guardians of the sepulchral Temple of Ages, the protectors of the spiritual lore of the Stormhosts, and – above all – they are exceptionally stern and grumpy.

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After Be’lakor wreathed the realms in a storm of darkness**, Knight-Relictors have been arriving on battlefields in greater numbers, as protecting the souls of their kin becomes an ever more vital duty.

In combat, they chant dolorous litanies with cheerless purpose while burning the bones of Stormcast Eternal martyrs in a Relic Censer made out of a skull, wreathing their allies in fragrant smoke. Even in an army of immortal, battle-hardened warriors, these gloomy guys are more than usually stoic.

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This combination of monotonous chanting and aromatic fumes is not just an act of sombre mood-setting – it also interferes with the prayers of enemy priests, potentially negating them entirely and preventing malicious incantations from having any effect.

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Should this ceremony of chanting and incense fail, the Knight-Relictor can also resort to pummelling the foe with his relic maul. And with three attacks hitting at Rend -1 and doing two damage each, he’s quite handy for someone whose main job is to schlep around a little casket of his dead mates.

These severe servants of the spiritual will be available for pre-order this weekend, along with the rest of the aforementioned reinforcements.

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Head over to Warhammer Community Twitter or the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook page and let us know which miniatures you’ll be picking up, and what your Knight-Relictor’s bone-incense smells like.

* Surprise, they all smell different. It depends on the bones they’re burning, and whether you add any hickory to the mixture.

** You can find out all about this in Broken Realms: Be’lakor.

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