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  • Trugg the Troggoth King Can Raise a Mighty Herd of Supercharged Troggoths in Reign of the Brute – Download His Rules Now

Trugg the Troggoth King Can Raise a Mighty Herd of Supercharged Troggoths in Reign of the Brute – Download His Rules Now

Trugg has awoken with a ferocious headache, a magical migraine of such magnitude that it preoccupies his every waking moment. Incensed by the pain, the Troggoth King is now on the rampage, drawn inexorably along the leylines of the Astromatrix underpinning the realms, and hoping beyond hope that he can smash his way through the pain. And you’ll find his rules for download in this article, as well as in the forthcoming Dawnbringers book!

Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute covers what happens to anyone and everything that gets in the way of Trugg and his growing Troggherd, as this sore-headed wrecking ball of regenerative flesh barrels his way throughout Aqshy, clobbering everything in his path. It also contains rules for special Armies of Renown woven out of the Dawnbringers narrative.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Terrain

Trugg is the real star of the show, a MONSTER in size (and keyword) with antlers sprouting from his throbbing bonce after centuries spent napping in the nurturing realm of Ghyran. These healing energies now flow through his veins, and he is Imbued with Life, sporting 16 wounds and adding 3 extra wounds to his Regeneration – that’s a total of D3+3 for anyone who isn’t a dedicated troggoth-head.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Imbued

The altar fused to Trugg’s back is currently on the blink after his repeated attempts to dislodge it. Every time he thumps it, it responds by dishing out magic from the realms. This Malfunctioning Leystone can either zap him with D3 mortal wounds if his clubbing triggers the Glyph of Shyish, improve the rend of his Ironshell Club and Mighty Antlers by 1 if the Glyph of Aqshy is activated, or grant him a steely ward save of 5+ should the Glyph of Chamon sparkle to life.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Leystone

Trugg’s Troggherd changes how he plays, giving him an Army of Renown that homes in on a specific archetype inside an existing battletome. For Trugg’s Troggherd this means a march of troggoths big and small with new rules, command traits, artefacts of power, plus a bespoke grand strategy and battle tactics. Trugg’s Troggherd is first up, and it’s made exclusively from units with the GLOOMSPITE GITZ and TROGGOTH keywords, with every non-hero unit gaining the Battleline role.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Art

This collection of dim but mighty Troggoths remains affected by The Bad Moon’s Orbit like any Gloomspite Gitz army. As the celestial object crosses the board it grants the Moonlit Hide trait to Troggoths it effects, but the biggest change is that Trugg’s Malfunctioning Leystone emits an Aura of Haywire Magic which applies all of those random effects to every single unit.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Aura

The plodding procession following Trugg contains all sorts of special Troggbosses which can be represented by the Traits of Trugg’s Troggs and Dankhold Detritus – that’s command traits and artefacts to you. The former can even affect Unique units, meaning Ceaseless Growth can boost Regeneration and Greater Regeneration even further on Trugg, making him near impossible to put down.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Growth

The truculent troggoths following Trugg also tote an assortment of trinkets, such as the Thwackwheezer Club, which is riddled with sporeshroom fungi that explode on impact into clouds of spores that choke and befuddle opponents, causing them to subtract 1 from hit rolls and wound rolls if the bearer has fought in the same phase. 

AoS Trugg Sept11 Club

Trugg’s Troggherd is just one of the four Armies of Renown in Reign of the Brute. To supersize your experience, try King Brodd’s Stomp, which unites all of the strongest Mega-Gargants under Brodd’s heel. Alternatively, there’s the Grundstok Expeditionary Force, which applies overwhelming pressure to its foes with Thunderers and Grundstok Haulers.

Even the Ironjawz get one, fielding pugnacious porkers of prodigious size – more on that later. You can pre-order Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute and pick up Trugg’s Great Troggherd which pairs Trugg the Troggking with six Rockgut Troggoths. Click the button below to download all of his rules for free.

AoS Trugg Sept11 Button

We’ll have more from Dawnbringer: Book II on Warhammer Community this week, including all you need to know about the giant mob of Ironjawz that are heading your way, so stay tuned!

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