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  • Heresy Thursday – Sky-hunter Squadrons Swoop In To Provide Supporting Fire

Heresy Thursday – Sky-hunter Squadrons Swoop In To Provide Supporting Fire

A Space Marine is a terrifying prospect on foot – a gene-wrought brute clad in ceramite, who shrugs off enemy fire and wreaks havoc in combat. 

Now imagine a squadron of three of them hurtling towards the frontlines, mounted on jet-propelled flying death machines – a truly inescapable nightmare. Enter the Sky-hunter Squadron.

The Scimitar Jetbikes of the Age of Darkness are modifications of complex pre-Imperium designs. Essentially compact aircraft with the addition of grav-impellors, they rush your Space Marines into combat at great speed. And soon you’ll be able to add them to your army in plastic. 

Beyond the living weapon mounted on the back, each Scimitar is fitted with a heavy bolter as standard, which can be upgraded to a volkite culverin, a multi-melta, or a plasma cannon, a new way to deliver firepower with surgical precision.

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Their speed opens up various strategic options. Run them up the battlefield, and they provide a tempting target for a foe, but their speed makes them harder to track, granting Shrouded (5+).

If they chose to engage in combat, they can unleash a salvo of fire before charging thanks to Relentless, score an extra hit at Initiative 10 with Hammer of Wrath, and subsequently disengage from any unfavourable combat situations with Hit & Run.

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While the White Scars, Blood Angels, and Night Lords famously loved to use Sky-hunters, every Legion made use of jet bikes, even the stoic Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors siege breakers.

Don’t forget to check back next week for another Heresy Thursday reveal.

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