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The Slaughter for Hel Crown Intensifies – Here’s How the Battle Progresses

A concert of thunderclaps sounds as the Stormcast Eternals and Skaven continue the bloody battle for the fortress-city of Hel Crown. After ceding the Scabs and the Glided District to the Skaven, how are the warriors of Sigmar faring in this desperate rearguard action? And what of the struggle for Gheistclay outside the walls?

Here are the results as they stand at the time of publishing.

HelCrownWeek2 Jul26 Tugowar

Once again the Skaven have struck the decisive blow, Warlocks chittering maniacally as they plunder the industrial Sabre District for new machineries to breach the walls of the Great Caldera and capture the realmgate within.

In the Splint, meanwhile, assassins slip through the night like liquid shadow, their warpstone-tainted blades finding the backs of the warriors defending the Acadamae Martial. With city diagrams and powerful relics stolen, a chain of warpstone bombs are detonated, and the frothing clan-warriors of Verminus pour in and overwhelm the defenders.

Outside the city, the battle is almost too close to call, as both sides struggle for supremacy. Despite a fierce assault by the forces of Chaos, Order has dug in and earned a bitter victory upon Mount Talari, pushing back the seething horde at great cost. 

The Stormcast Eternals mark this narrowest of victories on the Gheistclay, a landmass of corpses piled high by the Khornate tribes only recently driven from this place by the Dawnbringers. In a lull in the fighting, they set about this unholy edifice with their hammers, and as they chant a mournful dirge of final rest, it begins to break apart. After one final, defiant surge by the spirits of those long-since murdered, these wailing souls are finally put to rest and all is quiet for a moment – though ominous fires rage upon the horizon.

HelCrownWeek2 Jul26 MapSkaven

Not all is yet lost. You’ve got until the 5th of August to play a game and log your results. Your battle will help decide what becomes of Hel Crown and the Galvian Atoll – and perhaps ultimately the fate of the Great Parch itself..

The winners of the battle within the walls will have their upcoming 2024 releases revealed at a special preview on the Saturday the 10th of August, so even if your faction is defeated, you’ll still see some incredible new miniatures. Click the button below to log your results for either the Skaven or Stormcast Eternals.

HelCrownWeek2 Jul26 Button

We will also be drawing five entries at random, and these will win every Stormcast or Skaven release (your choice!) up until the end of July 2025. Terms and conditions apply