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  • Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game: Warhammer Preview Online – Mighty Elven Heroes arrive.

Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game: Warhammer Preview Online – Mighty Elven Heroes arrive.

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Arguably the greatest warrior of Rivendell, Glorfindel's skill and swiftness with a blade is unmatched by any Elf in the Third Age, including Lord Elrond. Even the dreaded Nazgûl recoil from this mighty swordsman – they dare not face him openly, opting only to challenge him when all nine are united as one under the command of the Witch-king.

In short, he’s a legendary warrior, and he’s coming to the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game later this year in a new resin kit from Forge World. The set contains two versions of Glorfindel, Lord of the West – one on foot, preparing to duel, and the other rearing up on his Elven steed Asfaloth. 

MEPreview Lorien Aug7 Image1On the tabletop, Glorfindel is a monster in melee. Thanks to the Armour of Gondolin, Glorfindel cannot be targeted by a Monster’s Brutal Power attack, while with a Fight Value of 7 and 3 Attacks, even the mightiest of Middle-earth's champions will have a difficult time taking him down. Asfaloth, meanwhile, is so quick that he has a 12” movement alongside the Fleetfoot special rule – nowhere on the battlefield is safe from this avenging Elf.

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Also coming from Forge World are Rúmil and Orophin, two brothers of Haldir who step forward to defend Lothlórien from the predations of the Dark Lord. Both exquisitely skilled with the sword, Rúmil fights defensively behind his shield, while Orophin takes the attack to the forces of Evil with a whirlwind of twin-blade blows.

Rúmil and Orophin are joined on the tabletop by the Guards of the Galadhrim Court, a set of three resin models from Forge World, each armed with a pike and with the option to create one as a standard bearer. Each guard has a noble lineage that can be traced back to the earliest days of Middle-earth. Highly trained warriors, their fighting style is as varied as the leaves on the Mallorn, their pikes wielded in a fighting stance that allows for both a deadly attack and nigh-on impenetrable defence.

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Glorfindel, the Guards of the Galadhrim Court, Rúmil, and Orophin will arrive in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game later this year, joining many other heroes and villains in the eternal battle against Good and Evil. Find the rest of the big news right here.

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