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New Tzeentch Rules Prove Blue Fire Burns Hottest in Codex: Chaos Daemons

40K Chaos Daemons

If there’s one place you’d expect to find change in the new Codex: Chaos Daemons, it’s rules for whatever Tzeentch is bringing to the party – it’s kind of his thing. Accordingly, the Changer of the Ways has granted further blessings upon his ever-shifting hordes, and we’re taking a look at just a few of those we were able to pin down.

40kTzeentchRules Aug19 Terrain1

Unlike their Khornate cousins, Tzeentch daemons typically prefer to fight at range, hurling globs of hellfire while bullets, lasers, and plasma flash through their incorporeal forms. The new Daemonic Saves of Pink Horrors are weighted heavily towards ranged combat, and all flavours of Horror can now toss potent Coruscating Flames – not just Pink Horrors, but Blue and Brimstone too.

What’s more, slain Horrors can now Split without worrying about their hold on the material plane – the need to bank Reinforcement points for your duplicating devils is long gone.*Flamers have also been burning calories (and everything else) at the gym, twirling from the warp with some serious boosts to their profile. As well as improvements to their Weapon Skill, Strength, Wounds, and Attacks, their classic Flickering Flames burn much brighter than before.


As if that weren’t hot enough, Exalted Flamers turn up the heat even further – the power of their new Blazing Warpfire aura infuses their lesser cousins with unholy strength.

Blazing Warpfire

Not all daemons of Tzeentch shy away from close combat. Screamers glide on the currents of magic, and – as many traumatised survivors could tell you – have a habit of appearing where you least expect. Now these Riders of the Immaterial Winds can really flit around the entire battlefield.

Riders of the Immaterial Winds

It wouldn’t be Tzeentch without a bit of magic. All your favourite spells are returning with tweaks and upgrades – such as the new-look Gaze of Fate, which exerts control over the new Warp Storms rules to set aside a few critical points for later use.

Gaze of Fate

How do you think Tzeentch daemons compare to the entropic upgrades of their Nurgle kin? There’s still a look into Slaanesh’s coterie to come, so sign up to our newsletter if you don’t want to miss more from Codex: Chaos Daemons.

* Slain Horrors will only split on a D6 roll of 4+ now, but no-one ever said Tzeentch was reliable.

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