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Warcy: Bloodhunt – Vampires and Cultists Painted by the Community

This weekend Warcy is going for the throat – the next expansion goes up for pre-order tomorrow. Bloodhunt pits the Askurgan Trueblades against the Claws of Karanak, two bloodthirsty warbands champing at the bit to let each other’s blood.

We sent out boxes of Warcry: Bloodhunt to people in the community – they took up their brushes and sent us back some inspired work.

Tom Adams

Tom Adams (AoS Shorts)

The Askurgan Trueblades are vampire monks who constantly resist the temptation to drink the blood of anything but the mightiest of beasts. Tom for AoS Shorts has painted up a gorgeous Askurgan Ascetic with a blood-dripping Charnel Mace that really captures the character of these conflicted bloodsuckers.

Vincent Knotley

Vincent Knotley

Vincent has taken a sideways approach with the Claws of Karanak, eschewing the traditional red and brass of Khorne to focus on blue, bone, and disturbingly fleshy cloth and leather.

Kevin Fowler

WC Painted – Kevin Fowler (Goonhammer)

Kevin from Goonhammer has opted to paint a pale-skinned predator, with an Askurgan Exemplar decked out in deep orange robes that convey his restrained wrath.

Matt Crowther

Matt Crowther (Sprues Brews)

Sticking with the orange theme, Matt from Sprues and Brews introduces some contrasting purple tones on the transfigured skin of the terrifying Cursedbood – the fate waiting for any Askurgan who cannot conquer their inner beast.

Ross Graham

Ross Graham (Fauxhammer) 1

Finally, Ross from Fauxhammer treats us to the whole box painted in glorious fashion, terrain included. His Claws of Karanak are barbarous brutes painted with bold yellow gold, striking cold steel and rugged fur. 

Ross Graham (Fauxhammer) 2

The fade on the palisades is another highlight, grounding these structures in the sweltering undergrowth of the Gnarlwood – he’s also converted his gnarloaks with flock to look as if they are bursting into bloom. You can practically hear the hum of insects and the roar of battle. 

Warcry: Bloodhunt is available for pre-order tomorrow. Let us know what colours you’ve got in mind for your warbands on the Warhammer Twitter and Facebook pages.

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