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Unleash the Power of Change With Ephilim and Their Menagerie of Metamorphic Monsters

At the tumultuous core of the Wyrdhollow, a tumult of change magic is amassing, pregnant with possibility. This tantalising well of power has attracted warbands from all over the Mortal Realms, each hungry to exploit it for their own ends.

Foremost among these meddlers is Ephilim’s Pandaemonium – a congregation of Tzeentchian daemons led by Ephilim, the erstwhile apprentice to a powerful Gaunt Summoner.* A keen daemonologist, Ephilim has plucked many rare creatures out of the aether to do their bidding – some with far too many mouths, some with far too many legs, and, disturbingly, some with no legs at all. 

SundayPreview Apr23 02b WyrdhollowTZE

All four of Ephilim’s familiars share the changer keyword, which interacts with the warband’s Plot card – as if Tzeentch would let his followers step foot in the Wyrdhollow without some byzantine scheme in play. At the start of each round, you must decide which of your changers to nominate for each step – one is Inspired, one becomes staggered, one gets a Guard token, and one is pushed. Picking the right transformation for each fighter is crucial to victory.

WHUW Pandaemonium Apr27 Cards1

Ephilim can boost their spell-casting to godly levels by keeping a few magical servants nearby to Power Leech off. Even if some brawny warrior snuffs out an unlucky daemon, an Inspired Ephilim can Warpgorge on their daemonic essence to eke one last spark of power out of them.

The shifty shenanigans don’t stop there. Use gambits like Latching Tendrils to draw unlucky fighters closer to Kindlefinger’s Spurting Warpfingers, laugh as your enemies fall under a barrage of blows from the Aura of Mutability, and when all else fails, sic a hungry Spawnmaw on your foe with Too Many Maws.

WHUW Pandaemonium Apr27 Cards2

Even those without supernatural foresight will have noticed that some of these cards are restricted to certain fighters – providing canny players new opportunities to use the new Salvage rule to set plans in motion to score objectives like Rampant Spellcasting. For additional bragging rights, your capering minions can secure objectives that add up to the sacred number of Tzeentch and achieve Nine Fates while sporting a too-wide grin.**

WHUW Pandaemonium Apr27 Cards3

Unlock the full prismatic power of Tzeentch with this painting video from the Warhammer Painting Team, which will get the whole warband painted in just 10 colours. Tzeentch notes his displeasure at the number, but cannot deny the results.

Ephilim’s Pandaemonium is poised better than most to take advantage of the metamorphic magic brewing in the Throat of Ghur – as long as they can outwit the tiresome do-gooders in Domitan’s Stormcoven. Choose your fate with Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow, available for pre-order on Saturday.

Tune in to Warhammer Fest this weekend for another Warhammer Underworlds reveal, and if you’re participating in the tournament, good luck! All the rules updates from Wyrdhollow will be up for download on the Warhammer Community site next week, to avoid any confusion on the day.

* Ephilim hastily changed jobs when their place of employment was forcibly closed by a Seraphon assault.

** For full marks, you’ll need to hold exactly three – objectives 1, 3, and 5, or objectives 2, 3, and 4.

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