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Avenging Sylvaneth chase the Skaven Across the Realms in Echoes of Doom

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Those of you who caught our Warhammer Fest coverage will remember some truly awesome new models for the skaven and Sylvaneth. Well, the excitement doesn’t end there – they’re arriving in a battlebox oozing with narrative content, game scenarios, and of course, plenty of miniatures.

As the vengeful servants of Alarielle chase down the thieving Skaven, Echoes of Doom are ricochetting across the Mortal Realms.

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What have the servants of the Horned Rat done this time? They’ve only gone and dug out a gnawhole right into the heart of Ghyran to pilfer a juicy harvest of soulpods – classic skaven. Led by the Grey Seer Skrittat, master of subtlety,* they led a surprisingly successful heist into Neos.

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This sacred land near the very centre of the Everspring Swathe was considered impenetrable, making the crime even more of an affront to Alarielle and her children.Luckily for the Sylvaneth, Skrittat was always doomed to fail. Unbeknownst to him, his trusted assassin, Deathmaster Virrtik, had been hired by another party keen to see to Skrittat’s downfall. All it took was a well-laid trail of clues allowing the Sylvaneth to follow them back to Aqshy and take their revenge – and stopping the overambitious Skrittat’s rise to power.

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Leaving her realm for the first time came the Lady of Vines, legendary commander and daughter of Alarielle herself. Cut off from the goddess in her warlike summer aspect, the Lady and her army reap a bloody path straight to Skrittat’s retreating forces, triggering an all-out battle.

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This battlebox contains everything you need to play out a grudge match between the thieving skaven and the vengeful Sylvaneth. It’s ready to play straight out of the box, and it’s perfect for going halves with a friend, starting a new army, or bolstering your existing forces.It’s the first place to get the Gossamid Archers for the Sylvaneth, who are capable of dealing a deadly D3 mortal wounds per arrow.

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You can also find a whole host of gameplay gubbins, including a giant token sheet, a copy of the core rules, and warscroll cards. Of course, it wouldn’t be a battlebox without a new narrative supplement, diving into greater detail about the Sylvaneth-skaven showdown and the struggle for the soulpods.

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More information about this bountiful box is inbound, so sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know when we drop rules snippets, preview sprues, and much more.

* Anyone who mentions his preference for riding to battle on a 30-foot Screaming Bell dies a swift and painful death.

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