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Cook Up Your Space Marines With the Flick of a Switch Using the New and Improved Fire Prism

40k PathOfPreview1 Jan3 Header

The new Codex: Aeldari is available for pre-order this weekend and we’re super excited. We can’t wait to unleash the new Avatar, updated Guardians, and Maugan Ra upon the tabletop. Space Marines, however, won’t be quite so keen, as the trusty Fire Prism is now precision-focused on melting its way through power armour.

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Based on the Falcon chassis, the Fire Prism swaps transport capacity for firepower. The Aeldari engineers have clearly been hard at work, because the prism cannon is now deadlier than ever before, and its dispersed pulse fire mode seems to have been designed specifically to kill Space Marines.

Its Strength makes a mockery of a Space Marine’s supposedly superhuman Toughness, that Armour Penetration will blast through their much-vaunted power armour, and Damage 2 kills regular Space Marines stone dead.* With the Blast rule, it’s also great for chewing your way through any of those pesky horde armies too.

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For harder targets, its full-power mode is also better in the new codex. The focused lance is ideal for taking out enemy armour.

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But you know what’s even better for taking out the toughest enemy units, such as Imperial Knights? More Fire Prisms! And don’t just shoot them all separately – pool their devastating firepower into one colossal blast with the Linked Fire Stratagem.

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So, that’s a possible six Strength 14 shots, doing up to 18D3 Damage and ignoring invulnerable saves! It’s time to start believing in the power of crystals.

Deliver battleplans to your tank commanders in style with this Asuryani backpack, and make sure that you pre-order the new Codex: Aeldari this weekend. We’ve still got more to show you from the new codex – keep up to date by signing up for our newsletter.

* Thanks to their Disgustingly Resilient rule, the Death Guard will just be very badly injured.

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