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Who’s Who in the Galactic Smackdown That Is Arks of Omen: The Lion?

You can’t go a-viking-ing around the galaxy, smashing and grabbing from secure Imperial outposts without making a few enemies, and Vashtorr now has some pretty big names coming for him as the Arks of Omen series reaches its climax. So before Arks of Omen: The Lion goes up for pre-order this weekend, we’re taking a moment to root through our rogue’s gallery and see where the major players are at heading into this story.

Vashtorr the Arkifane

40k ArksCharacters Apr10 Vashtorr

As the central figure to the whole saga, Vashtorr has his talons in many pies. The search for the Key-fragments has been fruitful, thanks to his allegiance with Abaddon the Despoiler, and despite a setback on the Rock* he is in high spirits.

Now he’s retreated to a far-flung corner of the galaxy to begin his real work. The Dark Angels are hot on his hooves… but could it be that the Arkifane looks forward to their arrival? Whatever he sought aboard the Rock must be important to his plans, and machinating it to be delivered to his doorstep is the kind of scheme that only the intensely analytical daemon lord could concoct.

Abaddon the Despoiler

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Though loath to consort directly with daemonkind, Abaddon the Despoiler has enough experience to come out on top of any bargain. That the Arks of Omen have ravaged the Imperium so badly is already a pretty big win, and Vashtorr has promised him much more should the Key be assembled. 

For now, Abaddon and the Vengeful Spirit wait in the wings, ready to take advantage of whatever developments arise. Daemons and hubris go together like tea and biscuits, and if the Arkifane bites off more than he can chew, Abaddon won’t stick around to pay his tab.

Supreme Grand Master Azrael

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Azrael only narrowly defended the Rock in Arks of Omen: Vashtorr, and vengeance is on his mind. A captured traitor revealed the whereabouts of Vashtorr’s headquarters, and though the information is suspect, the Supreme Grand Master can’t afford to waste it.

Azrael has gathered the full might of the Unforgiven – far-flung chapters heeding his call as the Dark Angels assemble one of the mightiest fleets in recent history, the Rock at its centre. So why does it feel like Vashtorr wants this to happen? What trump card could he possibly hold that would warrant the ire of an entire Space Marine Legion?

Commander Dante

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Never one to relax, Commander Dante has leapt right from crossing the Rubicon Primaris to a wide-ranging investigation aboard the Arks of Omen. When the Night Terror bore down on a vulnerable agri-world, Dante moved to intercept, but found the ship completely devoid of life – all that remained were the piled corpses of its Heretic Astartes crew, slain by boltgun and blade, and the faint traces of ethereal plant life.

The Blood Angels have finally triangulated the point of that manifestation’s next appearance. Only the Emperor knows what they’ll find – though you may have a pretty good guess by now…

Angron, Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters

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Since the destruction of the Choral Engine in Arks of Omen: Angron, and the ensuing loss of almost an entire Indomitus Fleet to the Murder-curse, Angron has been doing what he does best – slaughtering loyalists. The destruction of Malakbael allowed Vashtorr to claim a crucial Key-fragment, and though the Daemon Primarch cares little for anything besides wanton destruction, he won’t miss out on the chance to add thousands more Space Marine skulls to the Skull Throne.

Lion El’Jonson, Primarch of the Dark Angels

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We know he’s coming back – but where exactly will he appear, and will he be in time to stop whatever dark designs Vashtorr has for the galaxy? The Lion’s arrival is sure to be one of the most momentous events in recent Warhammer history, and all we can say for sure is the Imperium will not be the same when the dust has settled.

Pre-order Arks of Omen: The Lion and Lion El’Jonson’s spectacular new model this Saturday, alongside the standalone releases of Azrael and Vashtorr, and the reborn Commander Dante.

* You can blame Be’lakor for that one.

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