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Flex Your Muscles and Weave Webs All Over the Mortal Realms With These Red Harvest Warscrolls

Broodmaster Oct18 Header

Get your painting supplies ready – Warcry Red Harvest is making its way out of the Bloodwind Spoil this weekend.

While you make space for all those bottles of Blood for the Blood God and ‘Ardcoat you’re gonna need,* let’s pore over the Warhammer Age of Sigmar warscrolls for the two new warbands you get in the box – the Tarantulos Brood and the Darkoath Savagers.

Like previous Warcry warbands, these rambunctious compadres have stepped outside the Eightpoints to pursue the Path to Glory on larger, more foe-filled battlefields with these brand new warscrolls.

The Tarantulos Brood bring the power of near-infinite spiders to games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and they can return D3 Spider Swarms to the unit every hero phase. 

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Agile and fragile, these scuttling spider-folk can pass over terrain as easily as the great winged beasts of the realms can fly over them, and with their ranged attacks, they act as a superbly skittery skirmish unit.

Trading swiftness for the crushing power of big biceps and cold steel, the Darkoath Savagers are sure to be favourites of Slaves to Darkness players who want a small but punchy band of Darkoath warriors.

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Every unit comes with a God-speaker, who has a one in six chance to earn a free command point for their unit. Couple that with the Savagers’ ability to pump out around 20 attacks which cause additional mortal wounds on a hit roll of 6 and things are going to get bloody.

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Should the Savagers take an objective off an opponent, they fulfil their Oath of Conquest, roaring glory to the skies, and gaining a 5+ ward save in the process.**

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Both warbands make great additions to any Slaves to Darkness army looking to expand its rabble of cultists or Darkoath warriors, while the terrain representing a varanite mine will beautify any gaming board depicting the Mortal Realms.

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Why not combine all of the pieces to make a mining complex that’s been gutted by raids over time, or add it to existing terrain to create an industrial stronghold around a seething varanite seam that your forces must defend from the forces of Order?

You can download the Warscrolls here.

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Warcry: Red Harvest is up for pre-order from Saturday. We’ve also put our pre-order weekend promise in place, meaning that if you place an order over the weekend, you’ll be guaranteed to receive a box, even if we have to make you a new one from scratch.

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Excited to add more Darkoath warriors to your army or expand your menagerie of Chaos with yet more atavistic cultists? Let us know your plans for these Warbands over on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook page.

* For all the sweat and gore-slicked muscles.

** There’s no magic involved in these ward saves. They’re just so excited to have fulfilled the vow they don’t have time to hurt.

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