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US Open Series Finals – Who’s Going to be Crowned Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Grand Champion?

The US Open Series Finale takes place this weekend in New Mexico. There are eight players in the running for Best General in Warhammer Age of Sigmar – these are the best of the best, the undefeated champions of eight major events, going head-to-head for the top spot. Eddie Eccles, who will commentate on some of the bouts for Warhammer TV, is here with his take on the players, their lists, and his tips for the top.

Daughters of Khaine have two entries in the top eight, making them the favourites. These are two very different lists though – Gavin Grigar’s army is built around the Shadow Queen herself, one of the most deadly, durable units in the game, as well as a force multiplier for the army as a whole. Tom Guan’s list has no demi-gods, but plenty of snakes instead! There are 20 (!) Blood Sisters in the list, who can dish out obscene amounts of damage in combat – including mortal wounds – as well as being fast enough to get to where they need to be.

USAoS Nov17 DoK

It wouldn’t be the Mortal Realms without some Stormcast Eternals. Matt Swinney’s army is elite, relying on one big reinforced unit of Longstrikes to do the damage at range, and one reinforced unit of Dracoths to do the up-close killing. The rest of the points go on heroes and Liberators to hold those all-important objectives.

Maggotkin of Nurgle have been the army to beat this year, and are in contention piloted by Emma Mangels, who has a frankly ridiculous 14 (!!) Pusgoyle Blightlords. They’re a durable and flexible unit that can adapt to most battlefield situations on the fly – no pun intended. Don’t count them out.

USAoS Nov17 Nurgle

Matthias Krushel’s Skaven force is packed full of firepower, with three Warp Lightning Cannons that between them can zap pretty much anything in the game. Sneakiness and up-close killing is provided in equal measure with a Verminlord Deceiver AND Thanquol! I really like this army – it’s got all the wacky monsters and war machines that you love to see in a Skaven force, and still enough bodies to pressure objectives… Even if your Clanrats might not be doing much…

Dean Bilz’s Seraphon combine modest units of Skinks and Saurus with over 1,000 points of heroes – including a Carnosaur, a Slann, and even the Celestant Prime, on loan from Sigmar. There’re also two big 10-strong units of Saurus Knights to muscle enemy units off objectives.

Kaleb Walters’ Disciples of Tzeentch force is a highly magical mix (as you’d expect) – 200 points of Endless Spells, a Lord of Change, and a Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur provide the arcane punch to a deceptively fragile battleline of Kairic Acolytes and flying Screamers.

USAoS Nov17 DoT

Finally, Darren Watson’s Blades of Khorne are an unassuming mix of the Blood God’s mortal followers. This doesn’t look much like the current meta list you see in other armies, which is why it might be the one to watch. There’s no big linchpin his opponents can easily kill to gain an early advantage – just lots of durable damage-dealing units like Blood Warriors, and plenty of useful infantry heroes. It’s like the army you played on Day 1 when the game came out in 2015, and I love it. He will have to watch out for Bounty Hunters, though – all his units will be susceptible to extra damage.

My prediction? Based on the army lists alone, I think Daughters of Khaine must be the bookies’ favourite. And with current win rates, you’d have to say that Tzeentch and Nurgle are in with a shot… but I’d love to see Skaven or Khorne get on that podium.

USAoS Nov17 BestGeneralFULL

Separately, there are also eight players in the running for Best Overall. This eightsome has demonstrated both great tactical know-wots and hobby skills. 

USAoS Nov17 BestOverallFULL

We’ll be sure to get some shots of their armies to share with you! Make sure to catch the streams live on the Warhammer Twitch channel – and sign up to our newsletter to get the results sent straight to your inbox.

GrandFinalePreview Incoming Nov14 StreamSchedule

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