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  • Kicked Off the Family Estate? Seek Adventure in the Border Princes!

Kicked Off the Family Estate? Seek Adventure in the Border Princes!

Most human realms in the World of Legend have proud histories that speak of legendary foundings and formative struggles that made them places of power and influence, like the Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev, and Cathay. Lesser known are the petty kingdoms that spring up around them as shifting tides of warlords and opportunists claim land for themselves, building fortified towns in lawless regions before eventually falling to strife and starting anew.

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Such mercurial realms rise and fall across the known world, but by far the most renowned of them is the collection of fiefdoms and city-states known as the Border Princes. This ever-shifting region to the south of the Empire is a hotspot for eager adventurers and disgraced nobles seeking a slice of power for themselves, and over the next two weeks Loremasters is taking you on an expedition through this land of unfettered opportunity.

The first episode is available to watch on Warhammer+ today, which examines the hardy people that call this region home and the daily struggles against roving Orcs, bandits, and Beastman brayherds they endure to survive. The Border Princes are seen as a land of freedom for many downtrodden peasants, optimistic mercenaries, or exiled Bretonnian nobles looking to better their lives, but any real success is hard-won, and few have the strength and resources to claim a corner for themselves. 

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Next week, Loremasters delves into the wars that wrack this volatile province – both against outside invaders and their neighbouring lords – as a never-ending stream of outsiders throws its precarious boundaries into constant flux. 

Meanwhile, today’s episode is also joined by a new entry in the Citadel Colour Masterclass series, covering the pale green skin tones of the Goblins found in Warhammer: The Old World. These techniques are also a great way of sprucing up your Gloomspite Gitz and Gretchin from Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000.

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There’s this and so much more to see on Warhammer+, so if you aren’t subscribed yet, click on the button below – you also get to choose from two free miniatures when subscribing for a year!

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