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Defend the North With Classic Made to Order Heroes from Middle-earth™

It’s only been a few short months since Fall of the Necromancer enveloped us in Sauron’s return to Middle-earth, and another narrative campaign supplement is already on the horizon. We had a glimpse at the forces fighting in Defence of the North in December, and now more classic models are returning for a limited time.

While Sauron’s Easterlings march on Erebor and Dale, the Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien come under siege from a monstrous Orc horde flowing out from the ruins of Dol Guldur. Elite warriors from the late Haldir's company return to their home to defend the woodland realm, and Galadriel herself strides the battlefield with awesome power at her command.

Haldir's Elves with Swords

While a small contingent of the Elves of Lothlórien marched to do battle at Helm's Deep alongside the Men of Rohan, the forest was not left undefended in their absence. Clad in fine heavy armour and armed with razor-sharp Elven blades, these warriors will give everything in defence of the Golden Wood.

Haldir's Elves with swords

Haldir's Elves with Bows

Unleashing wave after wave of arrows into the lines of Mordor, these expert marksmen cut down Sauron’s minions from range.

Haldir's Elves with bows

Lórien™ Elf Bowmen

These lightly armoured skirmishers have long defended the borders of Lothlórien from Orc and Goblin trespassers, an ever-more-frequent task as the War of the Ring rages.

Lórien Archers

Galadriel™, Protectress of Lothlórien™

Sauron knows that it's not just an army of Elves that he must overcome, but also the Lady Galadriel. Among the most powerful beings in Middle-earth, this immortal sorceress battles side-by-side with her warriors to defend her woodland home. While she still draws breath, Lothlórien will not fall.


Captain of Dale

King Brand and Prince Bard II do not stand alone in the command of Dale's armies. The Captains of Dale are steadfast leaders ready to take the fight to the armies of Sauron and the Dragon Emperor.


Captain of Dale

Whether you’re marshalling a band of the Knights of Dale or reinforcing your Galadhrim with the Golden Wood's elite, you’ll definitely want to pick up these models before they’re gone. After all, just look at what you’ll be facing.

Easterling Warriors Warband

These fanatical warriors are ready to fight and die in the name of the Dark Lord. Clad in heavy armour and fighting in disciplined pike blocks, they are some of the best of all of Sauron’s warriors.

This Warband is made up of four Easterling Warriors with hand weapons and shields, eight Easterling Warriors with pikes and shields, an Easterling Warrior with a banner, and an Easterling Captain armed with an Easterling glaive.


Moria™ Goblin Shaman

Very few of the Goblins of Middle-earth are capable of using magic, but there are those who have learned to wield crude powers. They stir their fellows into a wild frenzy, and drive them towards terrifying enemies, keeping them in the fight long after most of their kind would have fled.

Moria Goblin Shaman

Armoured Moria™ Goblins

When Sauron’s forces began their assault on Lothlórien, they were quickly joined by the Goblins from the Misty Mountains. Gathering in great numbers, these spiteful creatures skulk under the cover of darkness as they prepare to attack the Elves of the Golden Wood.

This boxed set contains one Goblin Captain with an Orc bow, four Moria Goblins with Orc bows, six Moria Goblins with hand weapons and shields, and two Moria Goblins with spears.

Armoured Moria Goblins

There'll be more on Middle-earth from Warhammer Community in February when these Made to Order miniatures will be available. Why not sign up for the newsletter now so all new releases are delivered right to your inbox?

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