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  • This One Rule Will Have your Corsair Kill Teams Running Rings Around Their Opponents

This One Rule Will Have your Corsair Kill Teams Running Rings Around Their Opponents

LVO KillTeam Jan28 NachmundHeader

Kill Team: Nachmund is almost upon us, and if the Voidscarred Corsairs are going to stand a chance against the deadly Legionaries of the Heretic Astartes, they’ll need a few tricks up their stylish sleeves. Luckily, what these elegant pirates lack in the foul blessings of Chaos they make up for in sheer agility – the Aeldari Raiders ability gives them enough spring in their step to run rings around their heavily armoured opposition. 

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On the surface, the Aeldari Raiders ability is simple – each operative gets a free Dash action during their activation. Crucially, you can use this extra move at any point during that activation, which opens up a trove of possibilities for controlling the mission’s momentum.

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One clear benefit is the ability to move, shoot, and then move again.* The Corsairs are fragile under fire, and relish any chance they can take to duck back behind cover – or out of sight entirely – with a jaunty wave.

The formidable flexibility of this free Dash allows you to keep your options open. Imagine positioning one of your Corsairs to unleash a volley of shuriken fire at an exposed target. If the hapless Legionary is still on his feet when the dust settles, your operative can make a quick jump to safety… but if he’s been incapacitated, the Corsair can greedily surge towards an objective instead. 

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The Corsairs are skilled melee combatants, but when a fight turns sour, it pays to put distance between you and the axe-swinging mutant super soldier. A Fall Back action consumes two Action Points, which leaves your APL 2 operatives stranded within easy Charge range of their assailant. By following up with a free Dash, you can put your operatives cleanly beyond the reach of any would-be pursuers.

This extra mobility also makes objective play a doddle, especially when combined with certain Strategic Ploys. You’ll have plenty of time to Pick Up a briefcase full of booty and zoom back to safety with the Aeldari Agility Strategic Ploy, which boosts both your Normal Move and your free Dash by ▲.** It might not seem like a lot, but every inch counts in a hectic industrial killzone

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In the later stages of a battle, when your kill team has split up to swipe whatever objectives they can, the Plunderers Strategic Ploy lets you give multiple operatives a push in the right direction. Combined with their own free Dash, Corsairs can slide into position for crucial Tac Ops objectives that require both their Action Points, like Plant Signal Beacon.

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When push comes to shove, the free Dash is also helpful for getting up close and personal, where your short-ranged pistols and lethal blades can go to work. Don’t be afraid to play aggressively and use your numerical superiority for daring manoeuvres. Keep your operatives darting between cover, and they’ll always be just where you need them when the shurikens start to fly.

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Stay tuned to to find out when Kill Team: Nachmund is ready to set sail, and sign up to the newsletter if you want the gold star service – that is, all the info delivered right to your inbox.

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* A tactic that Aeldari players will soon be getting to grips with in games of Warhammer 40,000.

** That’s 1”, for those of you without your measuring gauges to hand.

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